MQRFH2 element name conflicts
Overview of conflicts within MQRFH2 element names.
Only one value can be attached to a message property. If an attempt to access a property leads to a conflict of values, one is chosen in preference over another.
The IBM MQ syntax for accessing MQRFH2 elements allows unique identification of an element, if a folder contains no elements with the same name. If a folder contains more than one element with the same name, the value of the property used is the one closest to the head of the message.
This applies if two or more folders of the same name are contained in different significant MQRFH2 headers within the same message.
A conflict can result when the MQGET call is processed after a non-message descriptor property has been set twice: both through an MQSETMP call and directly in the raw MQRFH2 header.
If this happens, the property associated with the message by an API call takes preference over one in the message data, that is, the one in the raw MQRFH2 header. If a conflict occurs, it is considered to come logically before the message data.
Parent topic: Properties specified as MQRFH2 elements