Mapping property data types to MQRFH2 data types

This topic provides information on message property types mapped to their corresponding MQRFH2 data types.

Message property type MQRFH2 data type
MQBYTE[] bin.hex
MQBOOL boolean
MQINT16 i2
MQINT32 i4
MQINT64 i8
MQCHAR[] string

Any element without a data type is assumed to be of type "string".

An MQRFH2 data type of int, meaning an integer of unspecified size, is treated as if it were an i8.

A null value is indicated by the element attribute xsi:nil='true'. Do not use the attribute xsi:nil='false' for non-null values.

For example, the following property has a null value:
<NullProperty xsi:nil='true'></NullProperty>

A byte or character string property can have an empty value. This is represented by an MQRFH2 element with a zero length element value.

For example, the following property has an empty value:
Parent topic: Properties specified as MQRFH2 elements