RetentionInterval (MQLONG)

This is the period of time for which to retain the queue. After this time has elapsed, the queue is eligible for deletion.

Local Model Alias Remote Cluster
X X      

The time is measured in hours, counting from the date and time when the queue was created. The creation date and time of the queue are recorded in the CreationDate and CreationTime attributes.

This information is provided to enable a housekeeping application or the operator to identify and delete queues that are no longer required.

Note: The queue manager never takes any action to delete queues based on this attribute, or to prevent the deletion of queues with a retention interval that has not expired; it is the user's responsibility to take any required action.

Use a realistic retention interval to prevent the accumulation of permanent dynamic queues (see DefinitionType attribute ). However, this attribute can also be used with predefined queues.

To determine the value of this attribute, use the MQIA_RETENTION_INTERVAL selector with the MQINQ call.