ChannelMonitoring (MQLONG)
This attribute specifies online monitoring data for channels.
The value is one of the following:
- Disable data collection for channel monitoring for all channels regardless of the setting of the MONCHL channel attribute. This is the default value.
- Turn monitoring data collection off for channels that specify QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.
- Turn monitoring data collection on with a low ratio of data collection for channels specifying QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.
- Turn monitoring data collection on with a moderate ratio of data collection for channels specifying QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.
- Turn monitoring data collection on with a high ratio of data collection for channels specifying QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.
On z/OS systems, enabling this parameter simply turns on statistics data collection, regardless of the value you select. Specifying LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH makes no difference to your results.
To determine the value of this attribute, use the MQIA_MONITORING_CHANNEL selector with the MQINQ call.