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Call descriptions

This section describes MQI calls.

Online help on the UNIX platform, in the form of man pages, is available for these calls.

Note: The calls associated with data conversion, MQXCNVC and MQ_DATA_CONV_EXIT, are in Data conversion.

  • Conventions used in the call descriptions
    For each call, this collection of topics gives a description of the parameters and usage of the call in a format that is independent of programming language. This is followed by typical invocations of the call, and typical declarations of its parameters, in each of the supported programming languages.
  • Use the calls in the C language
    Parameters that are input only and of type MQHCONN, MQHOBJ, MQHMSG, or MQLONG are passed by value. For all other parameters, the address of the parameter is passed by value.

Parent topic: Function calls

Last updated: 2020-10-04