COBOL declaration for MQXQH
** MQXQH structure 10 MQXQH. ** Structure identifier 15 MQXQH-STRUCID PIC X(4). ** Structure version number 15 MQXQH-VERSION PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of destination queue 15 MQXQH-REMOTEQNAME PIC X(48). ** Name of destination queue manager 15 MQXQH-REMOTEQMGRNAME PIC X(48). ** Original message descriptor 15 MQXQH-MSGDESC. ** Structure identifier 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-STRUCID PIC X(4). ** Structure version number 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-VERSION PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Report options 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-REPORT PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Message type 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-MSGTYPE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Expiry time 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-EXPIRY PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Feedback or reason code 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-FEEDBACK PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Numeric encoding of message data 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-ENCODING PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Character set identifier of message data 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-CODEDCHARSETID PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Format name of message data 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-FORMAT PIC X(8). ** Message priority 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PRIORITY PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Message persistence 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PERSISTENCE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Message identifier 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-MSGID PIC X(24). ** Correlation identifier 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-CORRELID PIC X(24). ** Backout counter 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-BACKOUTCOUNT PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of reply-to queue 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-REPLYTOQ PIC X(48). ** Name of reply queue manager 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-REPLYTOQMGR PIC X(48). ** User identifier 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-USERIDENTIFIER PIC X(12). ** Accounting token 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-ACCOUNTINGTOKEN PIC X(32). ** Application data relating to identity 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-APPLIDENTITYDATA PIC X(32). ** Type of application that put the message 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PUTAPPLTYPE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of application that put the message 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PUTAPPLNAME PIC X(28). ** Date when message was put 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PUTDATE PIC X(8). ** Time when message was put 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-PUTTIME PIC X(8). ** Application data relating to origin 20 MQXQH-MSGDESC-APPLORIGINDATA PIC X(4).Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQXQH