ExitResponse (MQLONG)

The value is set by the exit to communicate with the caller. The following values are defined:

    Exit completed successfully.

    Suppress function.

    When this value is set by an API-crossing exit called before the API call, the API call is not performed. The CompCode for the call is set to MQCC_FAILED, the Reason is set to MQRC_SUPPRESSED_BY_EXIT, and all other parameters remain as the exit left them.

    When this value is set by an API-crossing exit called after the API call, it is ignored by the queue manager.

    Skip function.

    When this value is set by an API-crossing exit called before the API call, the API call is not performed; the CompCode and Reason and all other parameters remain as the exit left them.

    When this value is set by an API-crossing exit called after the API call, it is ignored by the queue manager.

This is an output field from the exit.

Parent topic: Fields for MQXP