High Level Assembler declaration for MQWIH
MQWIH DSECT MQWIH_STRUCID DS CL4 Structure identifier MQWIH_VERSION DS F Structure version number MQWIH_STRUCLENGTH DS F Length of MQWIH structure MQWIH_ENCODING DS F Numeric encoding of data that follows * MQWIH MQWIH_CODEDCHARSETID DS F Character-set identifier of data that * follows MQWIH MQWIH_FORMAT DS CL8 Format name of data that follows MQWIH MQWIH_FLAGS DS F Flags MQWIH_SERVICENAME DS CL32 Service name MQWIH_SERVICESTEP DS CL8 Service step name MQWIH_MSGTOKEN DS XL16 Message token MQWIH_RESERVED DS CL32 Reserved * MQWIH_LENGTH EQU *-MQWIH ORG MQWIH MQWIH_AREA DS CL(MQWIH_LENGTH)Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQWIH