COBOL declaration for MQTM
** MQTM structure 10 MQTM. ** Structure identifier 15 MQTM-STRUCID PIC X(4). ** Structure version number 15 MQTM-VERSION PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Name of triggered queue 15 MQTM-QNAME PIC X(48). ** Name of process object 15 MQTM-PROCESSNAME PIC X(48). ** Trigger data 15 MQTM-TRIGGERDATA PIC X(64). ** Application type 15 MQTM-APPLTYPE PIC S9(9) BINARY. ** Application identifier 15 MQTM-APPLID PIC X(256). ** Environment data 15 MQTM-ENVDATA PIC X(128). ** User data 15 MQTM-USERDATA PIC X(128).Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQTM