PL/I declaration for MQSTS

   1 MQSTS based,
     3 StrucId             char(4),       /* Structure identifier */
      3 Version            fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
      3 CompCode           fixed bin(31), /* Completion code */
      3 Reason             fixed bin(31), /* Reason code */
      3 PutSuccessCount    fixed bin(31), /* Put success count */
      3 PutWarningCount    fixed bin(31), /* Put warning count */
      3 PutFailureCount    fixed bin(31), /* Put failure count */
      3 ObjectType         fixed bin(31), /* Object type */
      3 ObjectName         char(48), /* Object name */
      3 ObjectQmgrName     char(48), /* Object queue manager */
      3 ResolvedObjectName char(48), /* Resolved Object name */
      3 ResolvedQmgrName   char(48); /* Resolved Object queue manager */
  /* Ver:1 */
      3 ObjectString,                /* Failing object long name */
         5 VSPtr pointer,            /* Address of variable length string */
         5 VSOffset fixed bin(31),   /* Offset of variable length string */
         5 VSBufSize fixed bin(31),  /* Size of buffer */
         5 VSLength fixed bin(31),   /* Length of variable length string */
         5 VSCCSID fixed bin(31);    /* CCSID of variable length string */
      3 SubName,                     /* Failing subscription name */
         5 VSPtr pointer,            /* Address of variable length string */
         5 VSOffset fixed bin(31),   /* Offset of variable length string */
         5 VSBufSize fixed bin(31),  /* Size of buffer */
         5 VSLength fixed bin(31),   /* Length of variable length string */
         5 VSCCSID fixed bin(31);    /* CCSID of variable length string */
     3 OpenOptions fixed bin(31),    /* Failing open options */
     3 SubOptions fixed bin(31);     /* Failing subscription options */
  /* Ver:2 */
Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQSTS