PubApplIdentityData (MQCHAR32)

This is the value that is in the ApplIdentityData field of the Message Descriptor (MQMD) of all publication messages matching this subscription. ApplIdentityData is part of the identity context of the message. For more information about message context, see Message context. For more information about the ApplIdentityData field in the MQMD, see ApplIdentityData (MQCHAR32)

If the option MQSO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT is not specified, the ApplIdentityData which is set in each message published for this subscription is blanks, as default context information.

If the option MQSO_SET_IDENTITY_CONTEXT is specified, the PubApplIdentityData is being generated by the user and this field is an input field which contains the ApplIdentityData to be set in each publication for this subscription.

The length of this field is given by MQ_APPL_IDENTITY_DATA_LENGTH. The initial value of this field is the null string in C, and 32 blank characters in other programming languages.

If altering an existing subscription using the MQSO_ALTER option, the ApplIdentityData of any future publication messages can be changed.

On return from an MQSUB call using MQSO_RESUME, this field is set to the current ApplIdentityData being used for the subscription.

Parent topic: Fields for MQSD