InvalidDestCount (MQLONG)
This is the number of messages that could not be sent to queues in the distribution list. The count includes queues that failed to open, as well as queues that were opened successfully but for which the put operation failed. This field is also set when putting a message to a single queue that is not in a distribution list.
Note: This field is set if the CompCode parameter on the MQPUT or MQPUT1 call is MQCC_OK or MQCC_WARNING; it might be set if the CompCode parameter is MQCC_FAILED, but do not rely on this in application code.This is an output field. The initial value of this field is 0. This field is not set if Version is less than MQPMO_VERSION_1.
This field is undefined on z/OS because distribution lists are not supported.
Parent topic: Fields for MQPMO