Support (MQLONG)

This field describes what level of support for the message property is required of the queue manager, in order for the message containing this property to be put to a queue. This applies only to IBM MQ -defined properties; support for all other properties is optional.

The field is automatically set to the correct value when the IBM MQ-defined property is known by the queue manager. If the property is not recognized, MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL is assigned. When a queue manager receives a message containing an IBM MQ-defined property that the queue manager recognizes as being incorrect, the queue manager corrects the value of the Support field.

When setting an IBM MQ-defined property using the MQSETMP call on a message handle where the MQCMHO_NO_VALIDATION option was set, Support becomes an input field. This allows an application to put an IBM MQ-defined property, with the correct value, where the property is unsupported by the connected queue manager, but where the message is intended to be processed on another queue manager.

The value MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL is always assigned to properties that are not IBM MQ-defined properties.

If a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager, that supports message properties, receives a property that contains an unrecognized Support value, the property is treated as if:

  • MQPD_SUPPORT_REQUIRED was specified if any of the unrecognized values are contained in the MQPD_REJECT_UNSUP_MASK.
  • MQPD_SUPPORT_REQUIRED_IF_LOCAL was specified if any of the unrecognized values are contained in the MQPD_ACCEPT_UNSUP_IF_XMIT_MASK
  • MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL was specified otherwise.

One of the following values is returned by the MQINQMP call, or one of the values can be specified, when using the MQSETMP call on a message handle where the MQCMHO_NO_VALIDATION option is set:

    The property is accepted by a queue manager even if it is not supported. The property can be discarded in order for the message to flow to a queue manager that does not support message properties. This value is also assigned to properties that are not IBM MQ-defined.

    Support for the property is required. The message is rejected by a queue manager that does not support the IBM MQ-defined property. The MQPUT or MQPUT1 call fails with completion code MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY.

    The message is rejected by a queue manager that does not support the IBM MQ-defined property if the message is destined for a local queue. The MQPUT or MQPUT1 call fails with completion code MQCC_FAILED and reason code MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY.

    The MQPUT or MQPUT1 call succeeds if the message is destined for a remote queue manager.

This is an output field on the MQINQMP call and an input field on the MQSETMP call if the message handle was created with the MQCMHO_NO_VALIDATION option set. The initial value of this field is MQPD_SUPPORT_OPTIONAL.

Parent topic: Fields for MQPD