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ResponseRecPtr (MQPTR)

This is the address of the first MQRR response record. ResponseRecPtr is used only when a distribution list is being opened. The field is ignored if RecsPresent is zero.

Use either ResponseRecPtr or ResponseRecOffset to specify the response records, but not both; for details, see ResponseRecOffset (MQLONG). If we do not use ResponseRecPtr, set it to the null pointer or null bytes.

This is an input field. The initial value of this field is the null pointer in those programming languages that support pointers, and an all-null byte string otherwise. This field is ignored if Version is less than MQOD_VERSION_2.

Note: On platforms where the programming language does not support the pointer data type, this field is declared as a byte string of the appropriate length, with the initial value being the all-null byte string. Parent topic: Fields for MQOD

Last updated: 2020-10-04