High Level Assembler declaration for MQMD

MQMD                   DSECT
MQMD_STRUCID           DS   CL4   Structure identifier
MQMD_VERSION           DS   F     Structure version number
MQMD_REPORT            DS   F     Options for report messages
MQMD_MSGTYPE           DS   F     Message type
MQMD_EXPIRY            DS   F     Message lifetime
MQMD_FEEDBACK          DS   F     Feedback or reason code
MQMD_ENCODING          DS   F     Numeric encoding of message data
MQMD_CODEDCHARSETID    DS   F     Character set identifier of message
*                                 data
MQMD_FORMAT            DS   CL8   Format name of message data
MQMD_PRIORITY          DS   F     Message priority
MQMD_PERSISTENCE       DS   F     Message persistence
MQMD_MSGID             DS   XL24  Message identifier
MQMD_CORRELID          DS   XL24  Correlation identifier
MQMD_BACKOUTCOUNT      DS   F     Backout counter
MQMD_REPLYTOQ          DS   CL48  Name of reply queue
MQMD_REPLYTOQMGR       DS   CL48  Name of reply queue manager
MQMD_USERIDENTIFIER    DS   CL12  User identifier
MQMD_ACCOUNTINGTOKEN   DS   XL32  Accounting token
MQMD_APPLIDENTITYDATA  DS   CL32  Application data relating to identity
MQMD_PUTAPPLTYPE       DS   F     Type of application that put the
*                                 message
MQMD_PUTAPPLNAME       DS   CL28  Name of application that put the
*                                 message
MQMD_PUTDATE           DS   CL8   Date when message was put
MQMD_PUTTIME           DS   CL8   Time when message was put
MQMD_APPLORIGINDATA    DS   CL4   Application data relating to origin
MQMD_GROUPID           DS   XL24  Group identifier
MQMD_MSGSEQNUMBER      DS   F     Sequence number of logical message
*                                 within group
MQMD_OFFSET            DS   F     Offset of data in physical message
*                                 from start of logical message
MQMD_MSGFLAGS          DS   F     Message flags
MQMD_ORIGINALLENGTH    DS   F     Length of original message
MQMD_LENGTH            EQU  *-MQMD
                       ORG  MQMD
Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQMD