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ReplyToQ (MQCHAR48)

This is the name of the message queue to which the application that issued the get request for the message sends MQMT_REPLY and MQMT_REPORT messages. The name is the local name of a queue that is defined on the queue manager identified by ReplyToQMgr. This queue must not be a model queue, although the sending queue manager does not verify this when the message is put.

For the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls, this field must not be blank if the MsgType field has the value MQMT_REQUEST, or if any report messages are requested by the Report field. However, the value specified (or substituted) is passed on to the application that issues the get request for the message, whatever the message type.

If the ReplyToQMgr field is blank, the local queue manager looks up the ReplyToQ name in its own queue definitions. If a local definition of a remote queue exists with this name, the ReplyToQ value in the transmitted message is replaced by the value of the RemoteQName attribute from the definition of the remote queue, and this value is returned in the message descriptor when the receiving application issues an MQGET call for the message. If a local definition of a remote queue does not exist, ReplyToQ is unchanged.

If the name is specified, it can contain trailing blanks; the first null character and characters following it are treated as blanks. Otherwise no check is made that the name satisfies the naming rules for queues; this is also true for the name transmitted, if the ReplyToQ is replaced in the transmitted message. The only check made is that a name has been specified, if the circumstances require it.

If a reply-to queue is not required, set the ReplyToQ field to blanks, or (in the C programming language) to the null string, or to one or more blanks followed by a null character; do not leave the field uninitialized.

For the MQGET call, the queue manager always returns the name padded with blanks to the length of the field.

If a message that requires a report message cannot be delivered, and the report message also cannot be delivered to the queue specified, both the original message and the report message go to the dead-letter (undelivered-message) queue (see the DeadLetterQName attribute described in Attributes for the queue manager ).

This is an output field for the MQGET call, and an input field for the MQPUT and MQPUT1 calls. The length of this field is given by MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH. The initial value of this field is the null string in C, and 48 blank characters in other programming languages.

Parent topic: Fields for MQMD

Last updated: 2020-10-04