High Level Assembler declaration for MQIIH
MQIIH DSECT MQIIH_STRUCID DS CL4 Structure identifier MQIIH_VERSION DS F Structure version number MQIIH_STRUCLENGTH DS F Length of MQIIH structure MQIIH_ENCODING DS F Reserved MQIIH_CODEDCHARSETID DS F Reserved MQIIH_FORMAT DS CL8 MQ format name of data that follows * MQIIH MQIIH_FLAGS DS F Flags MQIIH_LTERMOVERRIDE DS CL8 Logical terminal override MQIIH_MFSMAPNAME DS CL8 Message format services map name MQIIH_REPLYTOFORMAT DS CL8 MQ format name of reply message MQIIH_AUTHENTICATOR DS CL8 RACF password or passticket MQIIH_TRANINSTANCEID DS XL16 Transaction instance identifier MQIIH_TRANSTATE DS CL1 Transaction state MQIIH_COMMITMODE DS CL1 Commit mode MQIIH_SECURITYSCOPE DS CL1 Security scope MQIIH_RESERVED DS CL1 Reserved * MQIIH_LENGTH EQU *-MQIIH ORG MQIIH MQIIH_AREA DS CL(MQIIH_LENGTH)Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQIIH