PL/I declaration

 1 MQEPH based,
  3 StrucId         char(4),       /* Structure identifier */
  3 Version         fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
  3 StrucLength     fixed bin(31), /* Total Length of MQEPH including the
                                      MQCFH and parameter structures that
                                      follow it
  3 Encoding        fixed bin(31), /* Numeric encoding of data that follows
                                      last PCF parameter structure
  3 CodedCharSetId  fixed bin(31), /* Character set identifier of data that
                                      follows last PCF parameter structure
  3 Format          char(8),       /* Format name of data that follows last
                                      PCF parameter structure */
  3 Flags           fixed bin(31), /* Flags */
  3 PCFHeader,                     /* Programmable command format header
   5 Type           fixed bin(31), /* Structure type */
   5 StrucLength    fixed bin(31), /* Structure length */
   5 Version        fixed bin(31), /* Structure version number */
   5 Command        fixed bin(31), /* Command identifier */
   5 MsgseqNumber   fixed bin(31), /* Message sequence number */
   5 Control        fixed bin(31), /* Control options */
   5 CompCode       fixed bin(31), /* Completion code */
   5 Reason         fixed bin(31), /* Reason code qualifying completion code */
   5 ParameterCount fixed bin(31); /* Count of parameter structures */
Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQEPH