TransactionId (MQCHAR4)

This field is a request field. Its length is given by MQ_TRANSACTION_ID_LENGTH. The initial value of this field is four blanks.

If LinkType has the value MQCLT_TRANSACTION, TransactionId is the transaction identifier of the user transaction to be run; specify a nonblank value in this case.

If LinkType has the value MQCLT_PROGRAM, TransactionId is the transaction code under which all programs within the unit of work are to be run. If you specify a blank value, the CICS DPL bridge default transaction code (CKBP) is used. If the value is nonblank, we must have defined it to CICS as a local transaction with an initial program that is CSQCBP00. This field applies only when UOWControl has the value MQCUOWC_FIRST or MQCUOWC_ONLY.

Parent topic: Fields for MQCIH