High Level Assembler declaration for MQCBC
MQCBC DSECT MQCBC DS 0F Force fullword alignment MQCBC_STRUCID DS CL4 Structure identifier MQCBC_VERSION DS F Structure version number MQCBC_CALLTYPE DS F Why Function was called MQCBC_HOBJ DS F Object Handle MQCBC_CALLBACKAREA DS A Callback data passed to the function MQCBC_CONNECTIONAREA DS A MQCTL Data area passed to the function MQCBC_COMPCODE DS F Completion Code MQCBC_REASON DS F Reason Code MQCBC_STATE DS F Consumer State MQCBC_DATALENGTH DS F Message Data Length MQCBC_BUFFERLENGTH DS F Buffer Length MQCBC_FLAGS DS F Flags containing information about this consumer MQCBC_RECONNECTDELAY DS F Number of milliseconds before reconnect MQCBC_LENGTH EQU *-MQCBC ORG MQCBC MQCBC_AREA DS CL(MQCBC_LENGTH)Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQCBC