C declaration for MQCBC

Callback context structure - C language declaration

typedef struct tagMQCBC MQCBC;
struct tagMQCBC {
   MQCHAR4   StrucId;                 /* Structure identifier */
   MQLONG    Version;                 /* Structure version number */
   MQLONG    CallType;                /* Why Function was called */
   MQHOBJ    Hobj;                    /* Object Handle */
   MQPTR     CallbackArea;            /* Callback data passed to the function */
   MQPTR     ConnectionArea;          /* MQCTL data area passed to the function */
   MQLONG    CompCode;                /* Completion Code */
   MQLONG    Reason;                  /* Reason Code */
   MQLONG    State;                   /* Consumer State */
   MQLONG    DataLength;              /* Message Data Length */
   MQLONG    BufferLength;            /* Buffer Length */
   MQLONG    Flags;                   /* Flags containing information about
                                         this consumer */
  /* Ver:1 */
   MQLONG    ReconnectDelay;          /* Number of milliseconds before */
  /* Ver:2 */  };                     /* reconnect attempt */
Parent topic: Initial values and language declarations for MQCBC