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ReconnectDelay (MQLONG)

ReconnectDelay indicates how long the queue manager will wait before trying to reconnect. The field can be modified by an event handler to change the delay or stop reconnection altogether.

Use the ReconnectDelay field only if the value of the Reason field in the Callback Context is MQRC_RECONNECTING.

On entry to the event handler the value of ReconnectDelay is the number of milliseconds the queue manager is going to wait before making a reconnection attempt. Table 1 lists the values that we can set to modify the behavior of the queue manager on return from the event handler.

Name Value Description
MQRD_NO_RECONNECT -1 Make no more reconnection attempts. An error is returned to the application.
MQRD_NO_DELAY 0 Try to reconnect immediately.
Milliseconds >0 Wait for this many milliseconds before retrying the connection.
Parent topic: Fields for MQCBC

Last updated: 2020-10-04