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State (MQLONG)

An indication as to the state of the current consumer. This field is of most value to an application when a nonzero reason code is passed to the consumer function.

We can use this field to simplify application programming because we do not need to code behavior for each reason code.

This is an input field. The initial value of this field is MQCS_NONE

State Queue manager action Value of constant

This reason code represents a normal call with no additional reason information

None; this is the normal operation. 0

These reason codes represent temporary conditions.

The callback routine is called to report the condition and then suspended. After a period of time the system might attempt the operation again, which can lead to the same condition being raised again. 1

These reason codes represent conditions where the callback needs to take action to resolve the condition.

The consumer is suspended and the callback routine is called to report the condition. The callback routine should resolve the condition if possible and either RESUME or close down the connection. 2

These reason codes represent failures that prevent further message callbacks.

The queue manager automatically suspends the callback function. If the callback function is resumed it is likely to receive the same reason code again. 3

These reason codes represent the end of message consumption.

Delivered to the exception handler and to callbacks that specified MQCBDO_STOP_CALL. No further messages can be consumed. 4
Parent topic: Fields for MQCBC

Last updated: 2020-10-04