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Overview for MQCBC

Availability: The MQCBC structure is available on the following platforms:

  • AIX
  • IBM i
  • Linux
  • Windows
  • z/OS

and for IBM MQ MQI clients connected to these systems.

Purpose: The MQCBC structure is used to specify context information that is passed to a callback function.

The structure is an input/output parameter on the call to a message consumer routine.

Version: The current version of MQCBC is MQCBC_VERSION_2.

Character set and encoding: Data in MQCBC must be in the character set given by the CodedCharSetId queue manager attribute and encoding of the local queue manager given by MQENC_NATIVE. However, if the application is running as an MQ MQI client, the structure will be in the character set and encoding of the client.

Parent topic: MQCBC - Callback context

Last updated: 2020-10-04