Conventions used in the descriptions

The description of each structure data type includes:

  • An overview of the purpose and use of the structure
  • Descriptions of the fields in the structure, in a form that is independent of the programming language
  • Examples of how the structure is declared in each of the supported programming languages

The description of each structure data type contains the following sections:

    Structure name
    The name of the structure, followed by a summary of the fields in the structure.

    A brief description of the purpose and use of the structure.

    Descriptions of the fields. For each field, the name of the field is followed by its elementary data type in parentheses ( ). In text, field names are shown using an italic typeface; for example Version.

    There is also a description of the purpose of the field, together with a list of any values that the field can take. Names of constants are shown in uppercase; for example MQGMO_STRUC_ID. A set of constants having the same prefix is shown using the * character, for example: MQIA_*.

    In the descriptions of the fields, the following terms are used:

      You supply information in the field when you make a call.

      The queue manager returns information in the field when the call completes or fails.

      You supply information in the field when you make a call, and the queue manager changes the information when the call completes or fails.

    Initial values
    A table showing the initial values for each field in the data definition files supplied with the MQI.

    C declaration
    Typical declaration of the structure in C.

    COBOL declaration
    Typical declaration of the structure in COBOL.

    PL/I declaration
    Typical declaration of the structure in PL/I.

    System/390 assembler declaration
    Typical declaration of the structure in System/390 assembler language.

    Visual Basic declaration
    Typical declaration of the structure in Visual Basic.

Parent topic: Structure data types - introduction