Inquiring about and setting the attributes of a queue

This example demonstrates how to use the MQINQ call to inquire about the attributes of a queue and to use the MQSET call to change the attributes of a queue.

This extract is taken from the Queue Attributes sample application (program CSQ4CAC1) supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS .
OBJDESC  CMQODA LIST=YES   Working object descriptor
SELECTORCOUNT   DS F       Number of selectors
INTATTRCOUNT    DS F       Number of integer attributes
CHARATTRLENGTH  DS F       char attributes length
CHARATTRS       DS C       Area for char attributes
OPTIONS  DS   F            Command options
HCONN    DS   F            Handle of connection
HOBJ     DS   F            Handle of object
COMPCODE DS   F            Completion code
REASON   DS   F            Reason code
SELECTOR DS   2F           Array of selectors
INTATTRS DS   2F           Array of integer attributes
OBJECT   DS   CL(MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH)   Name of queue
CALLLIST CALL,(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),VL,MF=L
*                   PROGRAM EXECUTION STARTS HERE        *
*        Initialize the variables for the set call
         SR   R0,R0               Clear register zero
         ST   R0,CHARATTRLENGTH   Set char length to zero
         LA   R0,2                Load to set
         ST   R0,SELECTORCOUNT    selectors add
         ST   R0,INTATTRCOUNT     integer attributes
         LA   R0,MQIA_INHIBIT_GET Load q attribute selector
         ST   R0,SELECTOR+0       Place in field
         LA   R0,MQIA_INHIBIT_PUT Load q attribute selector
         ST   R0,SELECTOR+4       Place in field
         CLC  ACTION,CINHIB       Are we inhibiting?
         BE   UPDINHBT            Yes branch to section
         CLC  ACTION,CALLOW       Are we allowing?
         BE   UPDALLOW            Yes branch to section
         MVC  M00_MSG,M01_MSG1    Invalid request
         BR   R6                  Return to caller
         MVC  UPDTYPE,CINHIBIT      Indicate action type
         LA   R0,MQQA_GET_INHIBITED Load attribute value
         ST   R0,INTATTRS+0         Place in field
         LA   R0,MQQA_PUT_INHIBITED Load attribute value
         ST   R0,INTATTRS+4         Place in field
         B    UPDCALL               Go and do call
         MVC  UPDTYPE,CALLOWED      Indicate action type
         LA   R0,MQQA_GET_ALLOWED   Load attribute value
         ST   R0,INTATTRS+0         Place in field
         LA   R0,MQQA_PUT_ALLOWED   Load attribute value
         ST   R0,INTATTRS+4         Place in field
         B    UPDCALL               Go and do call
         CALL MQSET,                          C
               (HCONN,                        C
               HOBJ,                          C
               SELECTORCOUNT,                 C
               SELECTOR,                      C
               INTATTRCOUNT,                  C
               INTATTRS,                      C
               CHARATTRLENGTH,                C
               CHARATTRS,                     C
               COMPCODE,                      C
               REASON),                       C
         LA   R0,MQCC_OK    Load expected compcode
         C    R0,COMPCODE   Was set successful?
*  SECTION NAME : INQUIRE                                *
*  FUNCTION     : Inquires on the objects attributes     *
*  CALLED BY    : PROCESS                                *
*  CALLS        : OPEN, CLOSE, CODES                     *
*  RETURN       : To Register 6                          *
*        Initialize the variables for the inquire call
         SR   R0,R0               Clear register zero
         ST   R0,CHARATTRLENGTH   Set char length to zero
         LA   R0,2                Load to set
         ST   R0,SELECTORCOUNT    selectors add
         ST   R0,INTATTRCOUNT     integer attributes
         LA   R0,MQIA_INHIBIT_GET Load attribute value
         ST   R0,SELECTOR+0       Place in field
         LA   R0,MQIA_INHIBIT_PUT Load attribute value
         ST   R0,SELECTOR+4       Place in field
         CALL MQINQ,                          C
               (HCONN,                        C
               HOBJ,                          C
               SELECTORCOUNT,                 C
               SELECTOR,                      C
               INTATTRCOUNT,                  C
               INTATTRS,                      C
               CHARATTRLENGTH,                C
               CHARATTRS,                     C
               COMPCODE,                      C
               REASON),                       C
         LA   R0,MQCC_OK        Load expected compcode
         C    R0,COMPCODE       Was inquire successful?
Parent topic: System/390 assembler-language examples