Connect to a queue manager
This example demonstrates how to use the MQCONN call to connect a program to a queue manager in z/OS batch.
This extract is taken from the Browse sample application (program CSQ4BVA1) supplied with IBM MQ for z/OS. For the names and locations of the sample applications on other platforms, see Sample procedural programs (platforms except z/OS ).* -------------------------------------------------------* WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. * -------------------------------------------------------* * W02 - Data fields derived from the PARM field 01 W02-MQM PIC X(48) VALUE SPACES. * W03 - MQM API fields 01 W03-HCONN PIC S9(9) BINARY. 01 W03-COMPCODE PIC S9(9) BINARY. 01 W03-REASON PIC S9(9) BINARY. * * MQV contains constants (for filling in the control * blocks) * and return codes (for testing the result of a call) * 01 W05-MQM-CONSTANTS. COPY CMQV SUPPRESS. ⋮ * Separate into the relevant fields any data passed * in the PARM statement * UNSTRING PARM-STRING DELIMITED BY ALL ',' INTO W02-MQM W02-OBJECT. ⋮ * Connect to the specified queue manager. * CALL 'MQCONN' USING W02-MQM W03-HCONN W03-COMPCODE W03-REASON. * * Test the output of the connect call. If the call * fails, print an error message showing the * completion code and reason code. * IF (W03-COMPCODE NOT = MQCC-OK) THEN ⋮ END-IF. ⋮Parent topic: COBOL examples