Initial values and language declarations for MQWCR

Initial values and C and High Level Assembler Language declarations for MQWCR - Cluster workload cluster record structure.

Field name Name of constant Value of constant
ClusterName None
ClusterRecOffset None 0
ClusterFlags None 0

C declaration

typedef struct tagMQWCR {
  MQCHAR48  ClusterName;       /* Cluster name */
  MQLONG    ClusterRecOffset;  /* Offset of next cluster record */
  MQLONG    ClusterFlags;      /* Cluster flags */

High Level Assembler

MQWCR                          DSECT
MQWCR_CLUSTERNAME              DS   CL48     Cluster name
MQWCR_CLUSTERRECOFFSET         DS   F        Offset of next cluster
*                                            record
MQWCR_CLUSTERFLAGS             DS   F        Cluster flags
MQWCR_LENGTH                   EQU  *-MQWCR  Length of structure
                               ORG  MQWCR
MQWCR_AREA                     DS   CL(MQWCR_LENGTH)
Parent topic: MQWCR - Cluster workload cluster record structure

Related reference