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 * Properties that determine how WMQFTE treats an {@link IOExitPath} for certain
 * aspects of I/O. For example, whether to use intermediate files.
public class IOExitProperties {

	private boolean rereadSourceOnRestart = true;
	private boolean rechecksumSourceOnRestart = true;
	private boolean rechecksumDestinationOnRestart = true;
	private boolean useIntermediateFileAtDestination = true;
	private boolean requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO = false;
	 * Determines whether the I/O exit implementation expects the resource to be
	 * re-read from the start if a transfer is restarted.
	 * @return {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the source
	 *         resource to be opened at the beginning and re-read from the
	 *         beginning (the {@link IOExitPath#openForRead(long)} method is
	 *         always invoked with 0L as an argument). {@code false} if, on
	 *         restart, the I/O exit expects the source to be opened at the
	 *         offset that the source agent intends to start reading from (the
	 *         {@link IOExitPath#openForRead(long)} method can be invoked with a
	 *         non-zero value as its argument).
	public boolean getRereadSourceOnRestart() {
		return rereadSourceOnRestart;

	 * Sets the value to determine whether the I/O exit implementation expects
	 * the resource to be re-read from the beginning if a transfer is restarted.
	 * <p>
	 * The default is {@code true}. The I/O exit should call this method when
	 * required to change this value.
	 * @param rereadSourceOnRestart
	 *            {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the source
	 *            resource to be opened at the beginning and re-read from the
	 *            beginning (the {@link IOExitPath#openForRead(long)} method
	 *            is always invoked with 0L as an argument). {@code false}
	 *            if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the source to be opened
	 *            at the offset that the source agent intends to start reading
	 *            from (the {@link IOExitPath#openForRead(long)} method can be
	 *            invoked with a non-zero value as its argument).
	public void setRereadSourceOnRestart(boolean rereadSourceOnRestart) {
		this.rereadSourceOnRestart = rereadSourceOnRestart;

	 * Determines whether the I/O exit implementation requires the source
	 * resource to be re-checksummed if the transfer is restarted.
	 * Re-checksumming takes place only if the
	 * {@link #getRereadSourceOnRestart()} method returns {@code true}.
	 * @return {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the already-
	 *         transferred portion of the source to be re-checksummed for
	 *         inconsistencies. Use this option in environments
	 *         where the source could be changed during a restart. {@code
	 *         false} if, on restart, the I/O exit does not require the
	 *         already-transferred portion of the source to be re-checksummed.
	public boolean getRechecksumSourceOnRestart() {
		return rechecksumSourceOnRestart;

	 * Sets the value to determine whether the I/O exit implementation requires
	 * the source resource to be re-checksummed if the transfer is restarted.
	 * Re-checksumming takes place only if the
	 * {@link #getRereadSourceOnRestart()} method returns {@code true}.
	 * <p>
	 * The default is {@code true}. The I/O exit should call this method when
	 * required to change this value.
	 * @param rechecksumSourceOnRestart
	 *            {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the already
	 *            transferred portion of the source to be re-checksummed 
	 *            for inconsistencies. Use this option in environments 
	 *            where the source could be changed during a restart.
	 *            {@code false} if, on restart, the I/O exit does not
	 *            require the already-transferred portion of the source to be
	 *            re-checksummed.
	public void setRechecksumSourceOnRestart(boolean rechecksumSourceOnRestart) {
		this.rechecksumSourceOnRestart = rechecksumSourceOnRestart;

	 * Determines whether the I/O exit implementation requires the destination
	 * resource to be re-checksummed if the transfer is restarted.
	 * @return {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the already
	 *         transferred portion of the destination to be re-checksummed to
	 *         check for inconsistencies. This option should be used in
	 *         environments where the destination could have been changed while
	 *         a restart is occurring. {@code false} if, on restart, the I/O exit
	 *         does not require the already transferred portion of the
	 *         destination to be re-checksummed.
	public boolean getRechecksumDestinationOnRestart() {
		return rechecksumDestinationOnRestart;

	 * Sets the value to determine whether the I/O exit implementation requires
	 * the destination resource to be re-checksummed if the transfer is
	 * restarted.
	 * <p>
	 * The default is {@code true}. The I/O exit should call this method when
	 * required to change this value.
	 * @param rechecksumDestinationOnRestart
	 *            {@code true} if, on restart, the I/O exit expects the already-
	 *            transferred portion of the destination to be re-checksummed 
	 *            for inconsistencies. Use this option in environments
	 *            where the destination could have been changed during a 
	 *            restart. {@code false} if, on restart, the I/O exit does not
	 *            require the already-transferred portion of the destination
	 *            to be re-checksummed.
	public void setRechecksumDestinationOnRestart(
			boolean rechecksumDestinationOnRestart) {
		this.rechecksumDestinationOnRestart = rechecksumDestinationOnRestart;

	 * Determines whether the I/O exit implementation requires the use of an
	 * intermediate file when writing the data at the destination. The
	 * intermediate file mechanism is typically used to prevent an incomplete
	 * destination resource from being processed.
	 * @return {@code true} if data should be written to an intermediate file at
	 *         the destination and then renamed (to the requested destination
	 *         path name as specified in the transfer request) after the transfer is
	 *         complete. {@code false} if data should be written directly to the
	 *         requested destination path name without the use of an
	 *         intermediate file.
	public boolean getUseIntermediateFileAtDestination() {
		return useIntermediateFileAtDestination;

	 * Sets the value to determine whether the I/O exit implementation requires
	 * the use of an intermediate file when writing the data at the destination.
	 * The intermediate file mechanism is typically used to prevent an
	 * incomplete destination resource from being processed.
	 * <p>
	 * The default is {@code true}. The I/O exit should call this method when
	 * required to change this value.
	 * @param useIntermediateFileAtDestination
	 *            {@code true} if data should be written to an intermediate file
	 *            at the destination and then renamed (to the requested
	 *            destination path name as specified in the transfer request) after
	 *            the transfer is complete. {@code false} if data should be written
	 *            directly to the requested destination path name without the
	 *            use of an intermediate file
	public void setUseIntermediateFileAtDestination(
			boolean useIntermediateFileAtDestination) {
		this.useIntermediateFileAtDestination = useIntermediateFileAtDestination;

	 * Determines whether the I/O exit implementation requires
	 * {@link IOExitChannel} instances to be accessed by a single thread only.
	 * @return {@code true} if {@link IOExitChannel} instances are to be
	 *         accessed by a single thread only.
	public boolean requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO() {
		return requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO;
	 * Sets the value to determine whether the I/O exit implementation requires
	 * channel operations for a particular instance to be accessed by a
	 * single thread only.
	 * <p>
	 * For certain I/O implementations it is necessary that resource path
	 * operations such as open, read, write, and close are invoked only from a
	 * single execution {@link Thread}. When set {@code true}, WMQFTE ensures 
	 * that the following are invoked on a single thread:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>{@link IOExitResourcePath#openForRead(long) method and all methods of
	 * the returned {@link IOExitChannel} instance.</li>
	 * <li>{@link IOExitResourcePath#openForWrite(boolean)) method and all
	 * methods of the returned {@link IOExitChannel} instance.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * <p>
	 * This has a slight performance impact, hence enable single-threaded channel
	 * I/O only when absolutely necessary.
	 * <p>
	 * The default is {@code false}. The I/O exit should call this method when
	 * required to change this value.
	 * @param requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO
	 *            {@code true} if {@link IOExitChannel} instances are to be
	 *            accessed by a single thread only.
	public void setRequiresSingleThreadedChannelIO(boolean requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO) {
		this.requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO = requiresSingleThreadedChannelIO;
Parent topic: Java interfaces for MFT user exits

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