mqlicense (accept license post installation)
Accepts an IBM MQ license on Linux after installation.
On Linux (excluding IBM MQ Appliance) use the mqlicense command to accept the IBM MQ license post installation. Note: You must have the appropriate privileges to run this command on the system, typically root access on Linux.The license agreement is displayed in a language appropriate to the environment and you are prompted to accept or decline the terms of the license.
If possible, mqlicense opens an X-window to display the license.
For the license to be presented as text in the current shell, which can be read by a screen reader, type the following command:mqlicense -text_only
Required parameters
Optional parameters
- -accept
- Accept the IBM MQ license without it being displayed.
- -jre
- Path to the Java executable used to display the license.
- -text_only
- Display a text-only version of the license, which can be read by a screen-reader.
Return codes
Return code | Description |
0 | Successful completion.
We can accept or decline the result, depending upon what you chose. |
10 | A warning occurred |
20 | An error occurred |
Usage notes
Note that running this command, with the environment variable MQLICENSE=accept, has the same effect as running with the -accept parameter.
Related reference
Related information