MQAI calls

Reference information for MQAI calls.

There are two types of selector: user selector and system selector. These are described in MQAI selectors.

There are three types of call:

These calls are described in alphabetical order in the following sections.

  • mqAddBag
    The mqAddBag call nests a bag in another bag.
  • mqAddByteString
    The mqAddByteString call adds a byte string identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddByteStringFilter
    The mqAddByteStringFilter call adds a byte string filter identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddInquiry
    The mqAddInquiry call can be used with administration bags only; it is specifically for administration purposes.
  • mqAddInteger
    The mqAddInteger call adds an integer item identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddInteger64
    The mqAddInteger64 call adds a 64-bit integer item identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddIntegerFilter
    The mqAddIntegerFilter call adds an integer filter identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddString
    The mqAddString call adds a character data item identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqAddStringFilter
    The mqAddStringFilter call adds a string filter identified by a user selector to the end of a specified bag.
  • mqBagToBuffer
    The mqBagToBuffer call converts the bag into a PCF message in the supplied buffer.
  • mqBufferToBag
    The mqBufferToBag call converts the supplied buffer into bag form.
  • mqClearBag
    The mqClearBag call deletes all user items from the bag, and resets system items to their initial values.
  • mqCountItems
    The mqCountItems call returns the number of occurrences of user items, system items, or both, that are stored in a bag with the same specific selector.
  • mqCreateBag
    The mqCreateBag call creates a new bag.
  • mqDeleteBag
    The mqDeleteBag call deletes the specified bag.
  • mqDeleteItem
    The mqDeleteItem call removes one or more user items from a bag.
  • mqExecute
    The mqExecute call sends an administration command message and waits for the reply (if expected).
  • mqGetBag
    The mqGetBag call removes a message from the specified queue and converts the message data into a data bag.
  • mqInquireBag
    The mqInquireBag call inquires the value of a bag handle that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireByteString
    The mqInquireByteString call requests the value of a byte string data item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireByteStringFilter
    The mqInquireByteStringFilter call requests the value and operator of a byte string filter item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireInteger
    The mqInquireInteger call requests the value of an integer data item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireInteger64
    The mqInquireInteger64 call requests the value of a 64-bit integer data item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireIntegerFilter
    The mqInquireIntegerFilter call requests the value and operator of an integer filter item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireItemInfo
    The mqInquireItemInfo call returns information about a specified item in a bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireString
    The mqInquireString call requests the value of a character data item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqInquireStringFilter
    The mqInquireStringFilter call requests the value and operator of a string filter item that is present in the bag. The data item can be a user item or a system item.
  • mqPad
    The mqPad call pads a null-terminated string with blanks.
  • mqPutBag
    The mqPutBag call converts the contents of the specified bag into a PCF message and sends the message to the specified queue. The contents of the bag are unchanged after the call.
  • mqSetByteString
    The mqSetByteString call either modifies a byte string data item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but certain system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetByteStringFilter
    The mqSetByteStringFilter call either modifies a byte string filter item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but certain system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetInteger
    The mqSetInteger call either modifies an integer item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but specific system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetInteger64
    The mqSetInteger64 call either modifies a 64-bit integer item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but specific system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetIntegerFilter
    The mqSetIntegerFilter call either modifies an integer filter item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but specific system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetString
    The mqSetString call either modifies a character data item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but certain system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqSetStringFilter
    The mqSetStringFilter call either modifies a string filter item that is already present in the bag, or deletes all existing occurrences of the specified selector and adds a new occurrence at the end of the bag. The data item is usually a user item, but certain system-data items can also be modified.
  • mqTrim
    The mqTrim call trims the blanks from a blank-padded string, then terminates it with a null.
  • mqTruncateBag
    The mqTruncateBag call reduces the number of user items in a user bag to the specified value, by deleting user items from the end of the bag.

Parent topic: IBM MQ Administration Interface reference