Inquire SMDS Connection (Response) on z/OS

The response to the Inquire SMDS Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDSCONN) command returns status and availability information about the connection between the queue manager and the shared message data sets for the specified CFStrucName.

Response data

    The queue manager which owns the SMDS for which the connection information is returned (parameter identifier: MQCACF_CF_SMDSCONN).

    CFStrucName (MQCFST)
    The name of the CF application structure with SMDS connections properties that we want to inquire on (parameter identifier: MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH.

    Avail (MQCFIN)
    The availability of this data set connection as seen by this queue manager. This is one of the following values:

      The connection can be used and no error has been detected.

      The connection is unavailable because of an error.

      The queue manager may try to enable access again automatically if the error may no longer be present, for example when recovery completes or the status is manually set to RECOVERED. Otherwise, it can be enabled again using the START SMDSCONN command in order to retry the action which originally failed.

      The connection cannot be used because it has been explicitly stopped using the STOP SMDSCONN command. It can only be made available again by using a START SMDSCONN command to enable it.

    ExpandST (MQCFIN)
    The data set automatic expansion status. This is one of the following values:

      No problem has been noted which would affect automatic expansion.

      A recent expansion attempt failed, causing the DSEXPAND option to be set to NO for this specific data set. This status is cleared when ALTER SMDS is used to set the DSEXPAND option back to YES or DEFAULT.

      The maximum number of extents has been reached, so future expansion is not possible (except by taking the data set out of service and copying it to larger extents).

    OpenMode (MQCFIN)
    Indicates the mode in which the shared message data set is currently open by this queue manager.

    Status (MQCFIN)
    Indicates the shared message data set connection status as seen by this queue manager.

      This data set is not currently open.

      This queue manager is currently in the process of closing this data set, including quiescing normal I/O activity and storing the saved space map if necessary.

      This queue manager is currently in the process of opening and validating this data set (including space map restart processing when necessary).

      This queue manager has successfully opened this data set and it is available for normal use.

      The SMDS definition is not in the ACCESS(ENABLED) state so the data set is not currently available for normal use. This status is only set when the SMDSCONN status does not already indicate some other form of failure.

      This queue manager was unable to locate or allocate this data set.

      This queue manager was able to allocate the data set but was unable to open it, so it has now been deallocated.

      The data set could not be used because the queue manager was unable to allocate associated storage areas for control blocks, or for space map or header record processing.

      The data set was successfully opened but the data was found to be invalid or inconsistent, or a permanent I/O error occurred, so it has now been closed and deallocated.

      This might result in the shared message data set itself being marked as STATUS(FAILED).

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats