Inquire CF Structure Status (Response) on z/OS

The response to the Inquire CF Structure Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the CFStrucName and CFStatusType structures and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of CFStatusType in the Inquire command.

    Always returned:
    CFStrucName, CFStatusType. CFStatusType specifies the type of status information being returned. The value can be any of the following values:

      Summary status information for the CF application structure. This is the default.

      Connection status information for each CF application structure for each active queue manager.

      Backup status information for each CF application structure.

      Shared message data set information for each CF application structure.

    Returned if CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SUMMARY:
    CFStrucStatus, CFStrucType, EntriesMax, EntriesUsed, FailDate, FailTime, OffLdUse, SizeMax, SizeUsed

    Returned if CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_CONNECT:
    CFStrucStatus, FailDate, FailTime, QMgrName, SysName

    Returned if CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_BACKUP:
    BackupDate, BackupEndRBA, BackupSize, BackupStartRBA, BackupTime, CFStrucStatus, FailDate, FailTime, LogQMgrNames, QmgrName

    Returned if CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SMDS:
    Access, FailDate, FailTime, RcvDate, RcvTime, CFStrucStatus

Response data

    Access (MQCFIN)
    Availability of the shared message data set (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_ACCESS).

    BackupDate (MQCFST)
    The date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which the last successful backup was taken for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQCACF_BACKUP_DATE).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.

    BackupEndRBA (MQCFST)
    The backup data set end RBA for the end of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQCACF_CF_STRUC_BACKUP_END).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_RBA_LENGTH.

    BackupSize (MQCFIN)
    The size, in megabytes, of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_BACKUP_SIZE).

    BackupStartRBA (MQCFST)
    The backup data set start RBA for the start of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQCACF_CF_STRUC_BACKUP_START).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_RBA_LENGTH.

    BackupTime (MQCFST)
    The end time, in the form, of the last successful backup taken for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQCACF_BACKUP_TIME).

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.

    CFStatusType (MQCFIN)
    Status information type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STATUS_TYPE). Specifies the type of status information being returned. The value can be any of the following values:

      Summary status information for the CF application structure. MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SUMMARY is the default.

      Connection status information for each CF application structure for each active queue manager.

      Back up status information for each CF application structure.

      Shared message data set information for each CF application structure.

    CFStrucName (MQCFST)
    CF Structure name (parameter identifier: MQCA_CF_STRUC_NAME).

    The maximum length is MQ_CF_STRUC_NAME_LENGTH.

    CFStrucStatus (MQCFIN)
    CF Structure status (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_STATUS).

    The status of the CF application structure.

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SUMMARY, the value can be:

      The structure is active.

      The structure has failed.

      The structure is not allocated in the CF, but has been defined to Db2 .

      The structure is in the process of being backed up.

      The structure is in the process of being recovered.

      The status of the CF structure is unknown because, for example, Db2 might be unavailable.

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_CONNECT, the value can be:

      The structure is connected to this queue manager.

      The queue manager connection to this structure has failed.

      The structure has never been connected to this queue manager.

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_BACKUP, the value can be:

      The structure is active.

      The structure has failed.

      The structure has never been backed up.

      The structure is in the process of being backed up.

      The structure is in the process of being recovered.

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_SMDS, the value can be:

      The shared message data set is available for normal use

      The shared message data set is in an unusable state and probably requires recovery.

      The shared message data set is in the process of being recovered (by way of a RECOVER CFSTRUCT command).

      The data set has never been used, or the attempt to open it for the first time failed.

      The data set has been recovered or otherwise repaired, and is ready for use again, but requires some restart processing the next time it is opened. This restart processing ensures that obsolete references to any deleted messages have been removed from the coupling facility structure before the data set is made available again. The restart processing also rebuilds the data set space map.

      The data set contains no messages. The data set is put into this state if it is closed normally by the owning queue manager at a time when it does not contain any messages. It can also be put into EMPTY state when the previous data set contents are to be discarded because the application structure has been emptied (using RECOVER CFSTRUCT with TYPE PURGE or, for a nonrecoverable structure only, by deleting the previous instance of the structure). The next time the data set is opened by its owning queue manager, the space map is reset to empty, and the status is changed to ACTIVE. As the previous data set contents are no longer required, a data set in this state can be replaced with a newly allocated data set, for example to change the space allocation or move it to another volume.

      The data set is being opened and initialized for the first time, ready to be made active.

    CFStrucType (MQCFIN)
    CF Structure type (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_TYPE). The value can be:

      MQCFTYPE_ADMIN is the CF administration structure.

      MQCFTYPE_APPL is a CF application structure.

    EntriesMax (MQCFIN)
    Number of CF list entries defined for this CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_ENTRIES_MAX).

    EntriesUsed (MQCFIN)
    Number of CF list entries defined for this CF application structure that are in use (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_ENTRIES_USED).

    FailDate (MQCFST)
    The date, in the form yyyy-mm-dd, on which this CF application structure failed (parameter identifier: MQCACF_FAIL_DATE).

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_CONNECT, it is the date on which the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of CFStatusType, it is the date on which this CF application structure failed. This parameter is only applicable when CFStrucStatus is MQCFSTATUS_FAILED or MQCFSTATUS_IN_RECOVER.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_DATE_LENGTH.

    FailTime (MQCFST)
    The time, in the form, that this CF application structure failed (parameter identifier: MQCACF_FAIL_TIME).

    If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_CONNECT, it is the time that the queue manager lost connectivity to this application structure. For the other values of CFStatusType, it is the time that this CF application structure failed. This parameter is only applicable when CFStrucStatus is MQCFSTATUS_FAILED or MQCFSTATUS_IN_RECOVER.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_TIME_LENGTH.

    LogQMgrNames (MQCFSL)
    A list of queue managers, the logs of which are required to perform a recovery (parameter identifier: MQCACF_CF_STRUC_LOG_Q_MGRS).

    The maximum length of each name is MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH.

    OffLdUse (MQCFIN)
    Offload usage (parameter identifier: MQIA_CF_OFFLDUSE).

    Indicates whether any offloaded large message data might currently exist in shared message data sets, Db2, or both. The value can be any of the following values:

      Large shared messages are stored in Db2.

      Large shared messages are stored in z/OS shared message data sets.

      Use on DISPLAY CFSTRUCT when the property has not been explicitly set.

      There might be large shared messages stored in both Db2, and shared message data sets.

    Value cannot be set unless CFLEVEL(5) is defined.

    QMgrName (MQCFST)
    Queue manager name (parameter identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME).

    This parameter is the name of the queue manager. If CFStatusType is MQIACF_CF_STATUS_BACKUP, it is the name of the queue manager that took the last successful backup.

    The maximum length is MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH.

    RcvDate (MQCFST)
    The recovery start date (parameter identifier: MQCACF_RECOVERY_DATE).
    If recovery is currently enabled for the data set, this indicates the date when it was activated, in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    RcvTime (MQCFST)
    The recovery start time (parameter identifier: MQCACF_RECOVERY_TIME).
    If recovery is currently enabled for the data set, this indicates the time when it was activated, in the form

    SizeMax (MQCFIN)
    Size of the CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_SIZE_MAX).

    This parameter is the size, in kilobytes, of the CF application structure.

    SizeUsed (MQCFIN)
    Percentage of the CF application structure that is in use (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_SIZE_USED).

    This parameter is the percentage of the size of the CF application structure that is in use.

    SysName (MQCFST)
    Queue manager name (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SYSTEM_NAME).

    This parameter is the name of the z/OS image of the queue manager that last connected to the CF application structure.

    The maximum length is MQ_SYSTEM_NAME_LENGTH.

    SizeMax (MQCFIN)
    Size of the CF application structure (parameter identifier: MQIACF_CF_STRUC_SIZE_MAX).

    This parameter is the size, in kilobytes, of the CF application structure.

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats