Inquire Authority Service on Multiplatforms

The Inquire Authority Service (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_SERVICE) command retrieves information about the level of function supported by installed authority managers.

Required parameters

    AuthServiceAttrs (MQCFIL)
    Authority service attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_AUTH_SERVICE_ATTRS). The attribute list might specify the following value on its own - default value if the parameter is not specified:

      All attributes.

    or a combination of the following:

      Current interface version of the authority service.

      Whether the authority service supports user IDs.

Optional parameters

    ServiceComponent (MQCFST)
    Name of authorization service (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SERVICE_COMPONENT).

    The name of the authorization service which is to handle the Inquire Authority Service command.

    If this parameter is omitted, or specified as a blank or null string, the inquire function is called in each installed authorization service in reverse order to the order in which the services have been installed, until all authorization services have been called or until one returns a value of MQZCI_STOP in the Continuation field.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_SERVICE_COMPONENT_LENGTH.

Error codes

This command might return the following error codes in the response format header, in addition to the values shown in Error codes applicable to all commands.

    Reason (MQLONG)
    The value can be any of the following values:

      Attribute selector not valid.

      Unknown service component name.

Parent topic: Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats