Use the MQSC command START LISTENER to start a channel listener.
Use MQSC commands
For information on how we use MQSC commands, see Performing local administration tasks using MQSC commands.
We can issue this command from sources CR. For an explanation of the source symbols, see Sources from which we can issue MQSC commands on z/OS .
- Syntax diagram for IBM MQ for z/OS
- Syntax diagram for IBM MQ on other platforms
- Usage notes
- Parameter descriptions for START LISTENER
Synonym: STA LSTR
IBM MQ for z/OS

- 1 Valid only on z/OS when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
IBM MQ on other platforms

Usage notes
- On z/OS:
- The command server and the channel initiator must be running.
- If IPADDR is not specified, the listener listens on all available IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
- For TCP/IP, it is possible to listen on multiple addresses and port combinations.
- For each START LISTENER for TCP/IP request, the address and port combination is added to the list of combinations upon which the listener is currently listening.
- A START LISTENER for TCP/IP request fails if it specifies the same, or a subset or superset of an existing, combination of addresses and ports upon which a TCP/IP listener is currently listening.
- If we are starting a listener on a specific address to provide a secure interface with a
security product, for example a firewall, it is important to ensure there is no linkage to the other
non-secure interfaces in the system.
We should disable IP forwarding and routing from other non-secure interfaces so that packets arriving at the other interface do not get passed to this specific address.
Consult the appropriate TCP/IP documentation for information on how to do this.
- On IBM i, UNIX, and Windows, this command is valid only for channels for which the transmission protocol (TRPTYPE) is TCP.
Parameter descriptions for START LISTENER
- ( name )
- Name of the listener to be started. If you specify this parameter, we cannot specify any other
If we do not specify a name (on platforms other than z/OS ), the SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LISTENER.TCP is started.
This parameter is not valid on z/OS.
- This parameter applies to z/OS only and specifies
how the command runs when the queue manager is a member of a queue sharing group.
- ' '
- The command runs on the queue manager on which it was entered. This is the default value.
- qmgr-name
- The command runs on the queue manager you specify, providing the queue manager is active within
the queue sharing group.
We can specify a queue manager name, other than the queue manager on which the command was entered, only if we are using a queue sharing group environment and if the command server is enabled.
Specifies the disposition of the inbound transmissions that are to be handled. The
possible values are:
- Listen for transmissions directed to the queue manager. This is the default.
- Listen for transmissions directed to the queue sharing group. This is allowed only if there is a shared queue manager environment.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
IP address for TCP/IP specified in IPv4
dotted decimal, IPv6 hexadecimal notation, or
alphanumeric form. This is valid only if the transmission protocol (TRPTYPE) is TCP/IP.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
- LUNAME( string )
- The symbolic destination name for the logical unit as specified in the APPC side information
data set. (This must be the same LU that was specified for the queue manager, using the LUNAME
parameter of the ALTER QMGR command.)
This parameter is valid only for channels with a transmission protocol (TRPTYPE) of LU 6.2. A START LISTENER command that specifies TRPTYPE(LU62) must also specify the LUNAME parameter.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
- PORT( port-number )
- Port number for TCP. This is valid only if the transmission protocol (TRPTYPE) is TCP.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
- Transport type to be used. This is optional.
- TCP. This is the default if TRPTYPE is not specified.
- LU62
- SNA LU 6.2.
This parameter is valid only on z/OS.
- This parameter allows you to specify whether we want the command to return an error return
code, if the object is already in the state the command would move it to. Possible values are:
- NO
- If the listener being started is already in that state, the command returns RC=10. This is the existing behavior, and NO is the default value.
- If the listener being started is already in that state, the command returns RC=0. The return code is the case as if the listener is not running.
Parent topic: MQSC commands