Work with MQ Queues (WRKMQMQ)

    Where allowed to run
    All environments (*ALL)


The Work with MQ Queues (WRKMQMQ) command provides the function to work with multiple queues that are defined on the local queue manager. Using this command we can copy, change, display, delete, display authority and edit authority of an MQ Queue object.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
QNAME Queue name Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 1
QTYPE Queue type *ALL, *ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT Optional, Positional 2
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Positional 3
CLUSTER Cluster name Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 4
CLUSNL Cluster namelist name Character value, *ALL Optional, Positional 5
WHERE Filter command Single values: *NONE Other values: Element list Optional, Positional 6
Element 2: Filter operator *GT, *LT, *EQ, *NE, *GE, *LE, *LK, *NL, *CT, *EX, *CTG, *EXG
Element 3: Filter value Character value

Queue name (QNAME)


The name or names of the queues to be selected. The queues selected by this parameter can be further limited to a particular type, if the QTYPE keyword is specified.

The possible values are:

    All queues are selected.

    Specify the generic name of the queues to be selected. A generic name is a character string, followed by an asterisk (*). For example ABC*, it selects all queues having names that start with the character string.

    Specify the name required within quotation marks. Using this format ensures that your selection is precisely what you entered.

    We cannot select all the uppercase and lowercase versions of a generic name on a single panel, without requesting all the names.

    Specify the name of the queue.

Queue type (QTYPE)


This parameter can be specified to limit the queues that are displayed to a particular type.

The possible values are:

    All queue types.

    Alias queues.

    Local queues.

    Model queues.

    Remote queues.

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)


Specifies the name of the message queue manager.

The possible values are:

Cluster name (CLUSTER)


This parameter can be specified to limit the queues that are displayed to be members of a particular cluster.

The possible values are:

    All clusters.

    The generic name of a cluster.

    The name of a cluster.

Cluster namelist name (CLUSNL)


This parameter can be specified to limit the queues that are displayed to be members of clusters within a cluster namelist.

The possible values are:

    All cluster namelists.

    The generic name of a cluster namelist.

    The name of a cluster namelist.

Filter command (WHERE)


This parameter can be used to selectively display only those queues with particular queue attributes.

The parameter takes three arguments, a keyword, an operator, and a value.

Generic strings are allowed for values which are names.

The operator can take one of the following values:

    Greater than.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Less than.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values

    Equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Not equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Greater than or equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.

    Less than or equal to.

    Applicable to integer and non-generic string values.


    Applicable to generic string values.

    Not like.

    Applicable to generic string values.


    Applicable to non-generic list values.


    Applicable to non-generic list values.

    Contains generic.

    Applicable to generic list values.

    Excludes generic.

    Applicable to generic list values.

The keyword can take one of the following values:

    Queue Accounting.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Accounting data collection is based upon the setting of the queue manager attribute ACCTQ.

      Accounting data collection for this queue is disabled.

      Accounting data collection is enabled for this queue.

    The date on which the definition or information was last altered.

    The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    The time at which the definition or information was last altered.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Backout threshold.

    The filter value is the integer threshold value.

    Backout requeue name.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    The date on which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    The filter value is the date in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    The namelist that defines the clusters that the queue is in.

    The filter value is the name of the namelist.

    The name of the queue manager that hosts the queue.

    The filter value is the name of the queue manager.

    Cluster queue type.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The cluster queue represents a local queue.

      The cluster queue represents an alias queue.

      The cluster queue represents a remote queue.

      The cluster queue represents a queue manager alias.

    The name of the cluster that the queue is in.

    The filter value is the name of the cluster.

    The time at which the definition became available to the local queue manager.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Cluster workload priority.

    The filter value is the integer priority.

    Cluster workload rank.

    The filter value is the integer rank.

    Cluster workload queue use.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The value is inherited from the Queue Manager CLWLUSEQ attribute.

      The local queue is the sole target of the MQPUT.

      The queue manager treats such a local queue as another instance of the cluster queue for the purposes of workload distribution.

    The date on which the queue was created.

    The filter value is the date in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    The time at which the queue was created.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Current depth of queue.

    The filter value is the integer depth value.

    Default message binding.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The queue handle is bound to a specific instance of the cluster queue when the queue is opened.

      The queue handle is not bound to any instance of the cluster queue.

      When the queue is opened, the queue handle is bound to a specific instance of the cluster queue for as long as there are messages in a message group. All messages in a message group are allocated to the same destination instance.

    Default Put Response.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The put operation is issued synchronously.

      The put operation is issued asynchronously.

    Queue definition type.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Predefined queue.

      Permanent dynamic queue.

      Temporary dynamic queue.

    Default persistence of the messages put on this queue.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Messages on this queue are lost across a restart of the queue manager.

      Messages on this queue survive a restart of the queue manager.

    Default priority of the messages put on the queue.

    The filter value is the integer priority value.

    Default share option on a queue opened for input.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The open request is for exclusive input from the queue.

      The open request is for shared input from the queue.

    Whether distribution lists are supported by the partner queue manager.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Distribution lists are not supported by the partner queue manager.

      Distribution lists are supported by the partner queue manager.

    Whether Queue Depth Full events are generated.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Queue Depth Full events are not generated.

      Queue Depth Full events are generated.

    The date on which the last message was got from the queue since queue manager start. This field is only present when Queue Monitoring is not set to *OFF.

    The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    Whether applications are permitted to get messages from the queue.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Applications cannot retrieve messages from the queue.

      Authorized applications can retrieve messages from the queue.

    The time at which the last message was got from the queue since queue manager start. This field is only present when Queue Monitoring is not set to *OFF.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Whether the backout count is hardened.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The backout count is not hardened.

      The backout count is hardened.

    Whether Queue Depth High events are generated.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Queue Depth High events are not generated.

      Queue Depth High events are generated.

    Queue Depth High event generation threshold.

    The filter value is the integer threshold value.

    Initiation queue.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    Number of handles indicating that the queue is open for input.

    The filter value is the integer number of handles.

    The current number of jobs that have the queue open.

    The filter value is the integer number of jobs.

    Whether Queue Depth Low events are generated.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Queue Depth Low events are not generated.

      Queue Depth Low events are generated.

    Queue Depth Low event generation threshold.

    The filter value is the integer threshold value.

    Maximum depth of queue.

    The filter value is the integer number of messages.

    Maximum message length.

    The filter value is the integer message length.

    The journal receiver containing the last media recovery image. This field is only present for local queues.

    The filter value is the journal receiver string.

    Online Monitoring Data.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      The collection of Online Monitoring Data is inherited from the setting of the queue manager attribute MONQ.

      Online Monitoring Data collection for this queue is disabled.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection.

      Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection.

    The age in seconds of the oldest message on the Queue. This field is only present when Queue Monitoring is not set to *OFF.

    The filter value is the integer message age.

    Message delivery sequence.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Messages are delivered in FIFO order within priority.

      Messages are delivered in FIFO order regardless of priority.

    Non-persistent message class.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Non-persistent message class is normal.

      Non-persistent message class is high.

    Message read ahead.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Read ahead is disabled.

      Non-persistent messages are not sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them.

      Non-persistent messages are sent to the client ahead of an application requesting them.

    Number of handles indicating that the queue is open for output.

    The filter value is the integer number of handles.

    Process name.

    The filter value is the name of the process.

    Message Property Control.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Compatibility mode

      No properties are returned to the application.

      All properties are returned to the application.

      Properties are returned to the application in one or more MQRFH2 headers.

      An MQRFH2 header is returned formatted as it was sent. Its code page and encoding might be altered. If the message is a publication it might have a psc folder inserted into its contents.

    The date on which the last message was put to the queue since queue manager start. This field is only present when Queue Monitoring is not set to *OFF.

    The filter value is the data in the form yyyy-mm-dd.

    Whether applications are permitted to put messages to the queue.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Messages cannot be added to the queue.

      Messages can be added to the queue by authorized applications.

    The time at which the last message was put to the queue since queue manager start. This field is only present when Queue Monitoring is not set to *OFF.

    The filter value is the time in the form hh:mm:ss.

    Internally generated unique name of the queue manager that hosts the queue.

    The filter value is the name of the queue manager.

    Queue type.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Local queue.

      Alias queue.

      Remote queue.

      Model queue.

    Remote queue manager name.

    The filter value is the name of the queue manager.

    Name of the local queue, as known by the remote queue manager.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    Retention interval.

    The filter value is the integer interval value.

    Whether the queue can be shared.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Only a single application instance can open the queue for input.

      More than one application instance can open the queue for input.

    Whether service interval events are generated.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Service Interval High events are generated.

      Service Interval OK events are generated.

      No service interval events are generated.

    Service interval event generation threshold.

    The filter value is the integer threshold value.

    Statistics data.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Statistics data collection is based upon the setting of the queue manager attribute STATQ.

      Statistics data collection for this queue is disabled.

      Statistics data collection is enabled for this queue.

    Target Type.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Queue object.

      Topic object.

    Descriptive comment.

    The filter value is the text description of the queue.

    Target queue for which this queue is an alias.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    Transmission queue name.

    The filter value is the name of the queue.

    Trigger data.

    The filter value is the text of the trigger message.

    Trigger depth.

    The filter value is the integer number of messages.

    Whether triggering is enabled.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      Triggering is not enabled.

      Triggering is enabled.

    Threshold message priority for triggers.

    The filter value is the integer priority value.

    Trigger type.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      When the number of messages on the queue goes from 0 to 1.

      Every time a message arrives on the queue.

      When the number of messages on the queue equals the value of the TRGDEPTH attribute.

      No trigger messages are written.

    The number of uncommitted changes pending for the queue.

    The filter value is one of the following values:

      There are no uncommitted changes pending.

      There are uncommitted changes pending.

    Whether the queue is a transmission queue.

    The filter value is one of the following values:




Error messages



Parent topic: CL commands reference for IBM i