Change Message Queue Manager (CHGMQM)

    Where allowed to run
    All environments (*ALL)


The Change Message Queue Manager (CHGMQM) command changes the specified attributes of the local queue manager.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
MQMNAME Message Queue Manager name Character value, *DFT Optional, Key, Positional 1
FORCE Force *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 2
TEXT Text 'description' Character value, *BLANK, *SAME Optional, Positional 3
TRGITV Trigger interval 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 4
UDLMSGQ Undelivered message queue Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 5
DFTTMQ Default transmission queue Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 6
MAXHDL Maximum handle limit 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 7
MAXUMSG Maximum uncommitted messages 1-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 8
AUTEVT Authorization events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 9
INHEVT Inhibit events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 10
LCLERREVT Local error events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 11
RMTERREVT Remote error events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 12
PFREVT Performance events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 13
STRSTPEVT Start and stop events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 14
CHAD Automatic Channel Definition *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 15
CHADEV Auto Chan. Def. events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 16
CHADEXIT Auto Chan. Def. exit program Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 17
Qualifier 1: Auto Chan. Def. exit program Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name
MAXMSGL Max message length 32768-104857600, *SAME Optional, Positional 18
CCSID Coded Character Set Integer, *SAME Optional, Positional 19
CLWLDATA Cluster workload exit data Character value, *SAME, *NONE Optional, Positional 20
CLWLEXIT Cluster workload exit Single values: *SAME, *NONE Other values: Qualified object name Optional, Positional 21
Qualifier 1: Cluster workload exit Name
Qualifier 2: Library Name
CLWLLEN Cluster workload exit length 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 22
REPOS Repository name Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 23
REPOSNL Repository name list Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 24
SSLCRLNL TLS CRL Namelist Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 25
SSLKEYR TLS Key Repository Character value, *NONE, *SAME, *SYSTEM Optional, Positional 26
SSLKEYRPWD TLS Repository Password Character value, *NONE, *SAME Optional, Positional 27
SSLRSTCNT TLS key reset count 0-999999999, *SAME, *NONE Optional, Positional 28
IPADDRV IP protocol *SAME, *IPv4, *IPv6 Optional, Positional 29
CLWLMRUC Cluster workload channels 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 30
CLWLUSEQ Cluster workload queue use *SAME, *LOCAL, *ANY Optional, Positional 31
LOGGEREVT Log recovery events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 32
CHLEVT Channel events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO, *EXCEPTION Optional, Positional 33
SSLEVT TLS events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 34
SCHINIT Channel initiator control *SAME, *QMGR, *MANUAL Optional, Positional 35
SCMDSERV Command server control *SAME, *QMGR, *MANUAL Optional, Positional 36
MONQ Queue Monitoring *SAME, *NONE, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 37
MONCHL Channel Monitoring *SAME, *NONE, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 38
MONACLS Cluster Sender Monitoring *SAME, *QMGR, *NONE, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 39
STATMQI Queue Manager Statistics *SAME, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 40
STATQ Queue Statistics *SAME, *NONE, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 41
STATCHL Channel Statistics *SAME, *NONE, *OFF, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 42
STATACLS Cluster Sender Statistics *SAME, *QMGR, *NONE, *LOW, *MEDIUM, *HIGH Optional, Positional 43
STATINT Statistics Interval 1-604800, *SAME Optional, Positional 44
ACCTMQI MQI Accounting *SAME, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 45
ACCTQ Queue Accounting *SAME, *NONE, *OFF, *ON Optional, Positional 46
ACCTINT Accounting Interval 1-604800, *SAME Optional, Positional 47
ACCTCONO Accounting Override *SAME, *ENABLED, *DISABLED Optional, Positional 48
ROUTEREC Trace Route Recording *SAME, *MSG, *QUEUE, *DISABLED Optional, Positional 49
ACTIVREC Activity Recording *SAME, *MSG, *QUEUE, *DISABLED Optional, Positional 50
MAXPROPLEN Maximum Property Data Length 0-104857600, *SAME, *ANY Optional, Positional 51
MARKINT Message mark-browse interval 0-999999999, *SAME, *ANY Optional, Positional 52
PSRTYCNT PubSub max msg retry count 0-999999999, *SAME Optional, Positional 53
PSNPMMSG PubSub NPM msg *SAME, *DISCARD, *KEEP Optional, Positional 54
PSNPMRES PubSub NPM msg response *SAME, *NORMAL, *SAFE, *DISCARD, *KEEP Optional, Positional 55
PSSYNCPT PubSub syncpoint *SAME, *YES, *IFPER Optional, Positional 56
PSMODE Pubsub Engine Control *SAME, *ENABLED, *DISABLED, *COMPATIBLE Optional, Positional 57
TREELIFE Topic Tree Life Time 0-604000, *SAME Optional, Positional 58
CFGEVT Configuration events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional, Positional 59
CMDEVT Command events enabled *SAME, *YES, *NO, *NODSP Optional, Positional 60
ACTVTRC Activity tracing Character value, *ON, *SAME, *OFF Optional, Positional 61
ACTVCONO Override activity tracing Character value, *DISABLED, *SAME, *ENABLED Optional, Positional 62
CHLAUTH Channel authentication Character value, *DISABLED, *SAME, *ENABLED Optional, Positional 63
CUSTOM Custom attribute Character value, *NONE, *SAME, 128 character string Optional, Positional 64
DFTCLXQ Default cluster transmission queue type *SAME, *SCTQ, *CHANNEL Optional, Positional 65
CERTLABL Certificate label *SAME, *DFT Optional, Positional 66
REVDNS Reverse lookup of host name *SAME, *DISABLED, *ENABLED Optional, Positional 67
CONNAUTH Connection authentication object *SAME, *NONE, 48 character string Optional, Positional 68
IMGSCHED Media image scheduling *SAME, *MANUAL, *AUTO Optional, Positional 69
IMGINTVL Media image write interval *SAME, *OFF, 1 - 999999999 Optional, Positional 70
IMGLOGLN Recovery log target size *SAME, *OFF, 1 - 999999999 Optional, Positional 71
IMGRCOVO Whether objects recoverable *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 72
IMGRCOVQ Queue object attribute *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional, Positional 73

Message Queue Manager name (MQMNAME)


Specifies the name of the message queue manager.

The possible values are:

    Use the default queue manager.

    Specify the name of the queue manager. The name can contain up to 48 characters. The maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

Force (FORCE)


Specifies whether the command should be forced to complete if both of the following statements are true:

  • DFTTMQ is specified.
  • An application has a remote queue open, the resolution of which will be affected by this change.

The possible values are:

    The command fails if an open remote queue will be affected.

    The command is forced to complete.

Text 'description' (TEXT)


Specifies the text that briefly describes the queue manager definition.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The text is set to a blank string.

    Specify no more than 64 characters enclosed in apostrophes.

    Note: The field length is 64 bytes and the maximum number of characters is reduced if the system is using a double byte character set (DBCS).

Trigger interval (TRGITV)


Specifies the trigger time interval, expressed in milliseconds, to be used with queues that have TRGTYPE(*FIRST) specified.

When TRGTYPE(*FIRST) is specified the arrival of a message on a previously empty queue causes a trigger message to be generated. Any further messages that arrive on the queue within the specified interval will not cause a further trigger message to be generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.

Undelivered message queue (UDLMSGQ)


Specifies the name of the local queue that is to be used for undelivered messages. Messages are put on this queue if they cannot be routed to their correct destination.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    There is no undelivered-message queue. The attribute is set to a blank string.

    Specify the name of a local queue that is to be used as the undelivered-message queue.

Default transmission queue (DFTTMQ)


Specifies the name of the local transmission queue that is to be used as the default transmission queue. Messages transmitted to a remote queue manager are put on the default transmission queue if there is no transmission queue defined for their destination.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    There is no default transmission queue. The attribute is set to a blank string.

    Specify the name of a local transmission queue that is to be used as the default transmission queue.

Maximum handle limit (MAXHDL)


Specifies the maximum number of handles that any one job can have open at the same time.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.

Maximum uncommitted messages (MAXUMSG)


Specifies the maximum number of uncommitted messages. That is:

  • The number of messages that can be retrieved, plus
  • The number of messages that can be put, plus
  • Any trigger and report messages generated within this unit of work, under any one syncpoint.

This limit does not apply to messages that are retrieved or put outside syncpoint.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 1 through 999999999.

Authorization events enabled (AUTEVT)


Specifies whether authorization (Not Authorized) events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Authorization events are not generated.

    Authorization events are generated.

Inhibit events enabled (INHEVT)


Specifies whether inhibit events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Inhibit events are not generated.

    Inhibit events are generated.

Local error events enabled (LCLERREVT)


Specifies whether local error events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Local error events are not generated.

    Local error events are generated.

Remote error events enabled (RMTERREVT)


Specifies whether remote error events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Remote error events are not generated.

    Remote error events are generated.

Performance events enabled (PFREVT)


Specifies whether performance events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Performance events are not generated.

    Performance events are generated.

Start and stop events enabled (STRSTPEVT)


Specifies whether start and stop events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Start and stop events are not generated.

    Start and stop events are generated.

Automatic Channel Definition (CHAD)


Specifies whether receiver and server-connection channels are automatically defined.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Receiver and server-connection channels are not automatically defined.

    Receiver and server-connection channels are automatically defined.

Auto Chan. Def. events enabled (CHADEV)


Specifies whether automatic channel definition events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Automatic channel definition events are not generated.

    Automatic channel definition events are generated.

Auto Chan. Def. exit program (CHADEXIT)


Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the automatic channel-definition exit.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No automatic channel definition exit is invoked.

    Specify the name of the channel definition exit program.

    Specify the name of the library that contains the exit program. This parameter must be present if an exit program name is specified and the values *LIBL and *CURLIB are not permitted.

Maximum Message Length (MAXMSGL)


Specifies the maximum message length of messages (in bytes) allowed on queues for this queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in bytes, in the range 32 KB through 100 MB.

Coded Character Set (CCSID)


The coded character set identifier for the queue manager.

The CCSID is the identifier used with all character string fields defined by the API. It does not apply to application data carried in the text of messages unless the CCSID in the message descriptor is set to the value MQCCSI_Q_MGR when the message is put to a queue.

If we use this keyword to change the CCSID, applications that are running when the change is applied continue to use the original CCSID. We must stop and restart all running applications before you continue. This includes the command server and channel programs. You are recommended to stop and restart the queue manager after making the change to achieve this.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 1 through 65535. The value must represent a coded character set identifier (CCSID) that is recognised by the system.

Cluster Workload Exit Data (CLWLDATA)


Specifies the cluster workload exit data (maximum length 32 characters).

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The cluster workload exit data is not specified.

    This is passed to the cluster-workload exit when it is called.

Cluster Workload Exit (CLWLEXIT)


Specifies the entry point of the program to be called as the cluster-workload exit.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No cluster-workload exit is invoked.

    We must specify a fully-qualified name, when you specify a cluster-workload exit. In this instance, the libraries defined as *LIBL and *CURLIB are not permitted.

Cluster Workload Exit Data Length (CLWLLEN)


The maximum number of bytes of message data that is passed to the cluster workload exit.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in bytes, in the range 0 through 999999999.

Repository name (REPOS)


The name of a cluster for which this queue manager is to provide a repository manager service.

If the parameter REPOSNL is non-blank this parameter must be blank.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    A cluster is not specified.

    The maximum length is 48 characters conforming to the rules for naming IBM MQ objects.

Repository name list (REPOSNL)


The name of a namelist of clusters for which this queue manager is to provide a repository manager service.

If the parameter REPOS is non-blank this parameter must be blank.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    A namelist of clusters is not specified.

    The name of the namelist.



The name of a namelist of authinfo objects which this queue manager uses to check certificate status.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    A namelist of authinfo objects is not specified.

    The name of the namelist.

TLS Key Repository (SSLKEYR)


The location of a key repository for this queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The queue manager uses the *SYSTEM key repository. Setting the SSLKEYR repository to this value causes the queue manager to be registered as an application to Digital Certificate Manager. We can assign any client or server certificate in the *SYSTEM store to the queue manager through Digital Certificate Manager. If you specify this value we are not required to set the key repository password (SSLKEYRPWD).

    A key repository is not specified.

    The location of the key repository. If you specify this value we are must ensure the key repository contains a correctly labeled digital certificate and also set the key repository password (SSLKEYRPWD) to enable channels to access the key repository. See the IBM MQ Security manual for more details.

TLS Repository Password (SSLKEYRPWD)


The password of a key repository for this queue manager.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    A key repository password is not specified.

    The password of the repository.

TLS key reset count (SSLRSTCNT)


Specifies when TLS channel MCAs that initiate communication reset the secret key used for encryption on the channel. The value represents the total number of unencrypted bytes that are sent and received on the channel before the secret key is renegotiated. The number of bytes includes control information sent by the message channel agent.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Secret key renegotiation is disabled.

    Specify a value in bytes, in the range 0 through 999999999. A value of 0 indicates that secret key renegotiation is disabled.

IP protocol (IPADDRV)


The IP protocol to use for channel connections.

This attribute is only relevant for systems enabled for both IPv4 and IPv6. The attribute affects channels with TRPTYPE defined as TCP when the CONNAME is defined as a host name that resolves to both an IPv4, and an IPv6 address, and one of the following is true:

  • LOCLADDR is not specified.
  • LOCLADDR also resolves to both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The IPv4 stack is used.

    The IPv6 stack is used.

Cluster workload channels (CLWLMRUC)


Specifies the maximum number of most-recently-used cluster channels, to be considered for use by the cluster workload choice algorithm.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.

Cluster workload queue use (CLWLUSEQ)


Specifies the behavior of an MQPUT when the target queue has both a local instance and at least one remote cluster instance. If the put originates from a cluster channel then this attribute does not apply. This value is used for queues where the CLWLUSEQ value is *QMGR.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The local queue will be the sole target of the MQPUT.

    The queue manager will treat such a local queue as another instance of the cluster queue for the purposes of workload distribution.

Log recovery events enabled (LOGGEREVT)


Specifies whether log recovery events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Log recovery events are not generated.

    Log recovery events are generated.

Channel events enabled (CHLEVT)


Specifies whether channel events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Channel events are not generated.

    Exception channel events are generated.

    Only the following channel events are generated:


      The channel events are issued with the following reason qualifiers:


    All channel events are generated.

    In addition to those generated by *EXCEPTION the following channel events are also generated:


      with the following reason qualifier:


TLS events enabled (SSLEVT)


Specifies whether TLS events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    TLS events are not generated.

    TLS events are generated.

    The following event is generated:


Channel initiator control (SCHINIT)


Specifies the channel initiator control.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Start and stop the channel initiator with the queue manager.

    Do not automatically start the channel initiator with the queue manager.

Command server control (SCMDSERV)


Specifies the command server control.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Start and stop the command server with the queue manager.

    Do not automatically start the command server with the queue manager.

Queue Monitoring (MONQ)


Controls the collection of online monitoring data for queues.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Online monitoring data for queues is disabled regardless of the setting of the MONQ queue attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned off for queues specifying *QMGR in the MONQ queue attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection for queues specifying *QMGR in the MONQ queue attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection for queues specifying *QMGR in the MONQ queue attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection for queues specifying *QMGR in the MONQ queue attribute.

Channel Monitoring (MONCHL)


Controls the collection of online monitoring data for channels.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Online monitoring data for channels is disabled regardless of the setting of the MONCHL channel attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned off for channels specifying 'QMGR' in the MONCHL queue attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the MONCHL channel attribute.

Cluster Sender Monitoring (MONACLS)


Controls the collection of online monitoring data for auto-defined cluster sender channels. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Online monitoring data for auto-defined cluster sender channels is disabled.

    The collection of Online Monitoring Data is inherited from the setting of the MONCHL attribute in the QMGR object.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels.

    Monitor data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels.

Queue Manager Statistics (STATMQI)


Controls the collection of statistics monitoring information for the queue manager. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Data collection for MQI statistics is disabled.

    Data collection for MQI statistics is enabled.

Queue Statistics (STATQ)


Controls the collection of statistics data for queues. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Data collection for queue statistics is disabled for all queues regardless of the setting of the STATQ queue attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned off for queues specifying *QMGR in the STATQ queue attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned on for queues specifying *QMGR in the STATQ queue attribute.

Channel Statistics (STATCHL)


Controls the collection of statistics data for channels. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Data collection for channel statistics is disabled for all channels regardless of the setting of the STATCHL channel attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned off for channels specifying *QMGR in the STATCHL channel attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a low ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the STATCHL channel attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a moderate ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the STATCHL channel attribute.

    Statistics data collection is turned on with a high ratio of data collection for channels specifying *QMGR in the STATCHL channel attribute.

Cluster Sender Statistics (STATACLS)


Controls the collection of statistics data for auto-defined cluster sender channels. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Statistics data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels is disabled.

    Statistics data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels is enabled with a low ratio of data collection.

    Statistics data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels is enabled with a moderate ratio of data collection.

    Statistics data collection for auto-defined cluster sender channels is enabled with a high ratio of data collection.

Statistics Interval (STATINT)


How often (in seconds) statistics monitoring data is written to the monitoring Queue.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 1 through 604800.

MQI Accounting (ACCTMQI)


Controls the collection of accounting information for MQI data. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    API accounting data collection is disabled.

    API accounting data collection is enabled.

Queue Accounting (ACCTQ)


Controls the collection of accounting information for queues. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Accounting data collection for queues is disabled and may not be overridden using the queue attribute ACCTQ.

    Accounting data collection is turned off for queues specifying *QMGR in the ACCTQ queue attribute.

    Accounting data collection is turned on for queues specifying *QMGR in the ACCTQ queue attribute.

Accounting Interval (ACCTINT)


After how long in seconds, intermediate accounting records are written.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in the range 1 through 604800.

Accounting Override (ACCTCONO)


Whether applications can override the setting of the ACCTMQI and the ACCTQ values in the QMGR attribute. The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Application may override the setting of the ACCTMQI and ACCTQ QMGR attributes using the Options field in the MQCNO structure on the MQCONNX api call.

    Application may not override the setting of the ACCTMQI and ACCTQ QMGR attributes using the Options field in the MQCNO structure on the MQCONNX api call.

Trace Route Recording (ROUTEREC)


Controls the recording of trace route information.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Reply put to destination specified by the message.

    Reply put to fixed name queue.

    No appending to trace route messages allowed.

Activity Recording (ACTIVREC)


Controls the generation of activity reports.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Report put to destination specified by the message.

    Report put to fixed name queue.

    No activity reports are generated.

Maximum Property Data Length (MAXPROPLEN)


Specifies a maximum length for property data.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    There is no limit on the length of property data.

    Specify a value in bytes, in the range 0 through 104857600 (ie: 10 MB).

Message mark-browse interval (MARKINT)


An approximate time interval in milliseconds, for which messages that have been marked-browsed by a call to MQGET with the get message option MQGMO_MARK_BROWSE_CO_OP are expected to remain marked-browsed.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Messages will remain marked-browsed indefinitely.

    A time interval
    A time interval expressed in milliseconds, up to a maximum of 999999999. The default value is 5000.Attention: We should not reduce the value below the default of 5000.

PubSub max msg retry count (PSRTYCNT)


The number of retries when processing (under syncpoint) a failed command message.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Retry count
    Specify a value in the range 0 through 999999999.



Whether to discard (or keep) a undelivered input message

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Non-persistent input messages may be discarded if they cannot be processed.

    Non-persistent input messages will not be discarded if they cannot be processed. In this situation the queued pubsub daemon will continue to retry processing the message. Subsequent input messages are not processed until the message is successfully processed.

PubSub NPM msg response (PSNPMRES)


Controls the behavior of undelivered response messages

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Non-persistent responses that cannot be placed on the reply queue are put on the dead letter queue. If they cannot be placed on the dead letter queue then they are discarded.

    Non-persistent responses which cannot be placed on the reply queue are put on the dead letter queue. If the response cannot be placed on the dead letter queue then the message will be rolled back and then retried. Subsequent messages are not processed until the message is delivered.

    Non-persistent responses are not placed on the reply queue but are discarded.

    Non-persistent responses that cannot be delivered will be rolled back and the delivery retried. Subsequent messages are not processed until the message is delivered.

PubSub syncpoint (PSSYNCPT)


Whether only persistent (or all) messages should be processed under syncpoint

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    This makes the queued pubsub daemon receive non-persistent messages outside syncpoint. If the daemon receives a publication outside syncpoint, the daemon forwards the publication to subscribers known to it outside syncpoint.

    This makes the queued pubsub daemon receive all messages under syncpoint.

Pubsub Engine Control (PSMODE)


Pubsub Engine Control.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are running. It is therefore possible to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface, the queues that are being monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface, or both.

    The publish/subscribe engine and the queued publish/subscribe interface are not running. It is not possible to publish/subscribe by using the application programming interface. Any publish/subscribe messages put to the queues that are monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface will not be acted upon.

    The publish/subscribe engine is running. It is possible to publish subscribe by using the application programming interface. The queued publish/subscribe interface is not running. Any publish/subscribe messages put to the queues that are monitored by the queued publish/subscribe interface will not be acted upon. Use this for compatibility with WebSphere Message Broker V6, or earlier versions, using this queue manager

Topic Tree Life Time (TREELIFE)


Specifies a lifetime in seconds of non-administrative topics. Non-administrative topics are those created when an application publishes to, or subscribes on, a topic string that does not exist as an administrative node. When this non- administrative node no longer has any active subscriptions, this parameter determines how long the queue manager will wait before removing that node. Only non-administrative topics that are in use by a durable subscription remain after the queue manager is recycled.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Specify a value in seconds, in the range 0 through 604000. A value of 0 means that non-administrative topics are not removed by the queue manager.

Configuration events enabled (CFGEVT)


Specifies whether configuration events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Configuration events are not generated.

    Configuration events are generated. After setting this value, issue MQSC REFRESH QMGR TYPE(CONFIGEV) commands for all objects to bring the queue manager configuration up to date.

Command events enabled (CMDEVT)


Specifies whether command events are generated.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Command events are not generated.

    Command events are generated for all successful commands.

    Command events are generated for all successful commands, other than DISPLAY commands.


This attribute specifies whether MQI application activity tracing information is to be collected. See Set ACTVTRC to control collection of activity trace information.

    The attribute is unchanged.

    IBM MQ MQI application activity tracing information collection is not enabled.

    IBM MQ MQI application activity tracing information collection is enabled.

    If the queue manager attribute ACTVCONO is set to ENABLED, the value of this parameter can be overridden using the options field of the MQCNO structure.


This attribute specifies whether applications can override the settings of the ACTVTRC queue manager parameter:

    The attribute is unchanged. This is the default value

    Applications cannot override the settings of the ACTVTRC queue manager parameter.

    Applications can override the settings of the ACTVTRC queue manager parameter by using the options field of the MQCNO structure of the MQCONNX API call.

Changes to this parameter are effective for connections to the queue manager that occur after the change.


This attribute specifies whether the rules defined by channel authentication records are used. CHLAUTH rules can still be set and displayed regardless of the value of this attribute.

Changes to this parameter take effect the next time that an inbound channel attempts to start.

Channels that are currently started are unaffected by changes to this parameter.

    The attribute is unchanged. This is the default value

    Channel authentication records are not checked.

    Channel authentication records are checked.

Custom attribute (CUSTOM)


This attribute is reserved for the configuration of new features before separate attributes have been introduced. This description will be updated when features using this attribute are introduced. At the moment there are no meaningful values for CUSTOM, so leave it empty.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The text is set to a blank string.

    128 character custom string
    Specify zero or more attributes as pairs of attribute name and value, separated by at least one space. The attribute name-value pairs must have the form NAME(VALUE) and be specified in uppercase. Single quotes must be escaped with another single quote.

Default cluster transmission queue type (DFTCLXQ)

The DFTCLXQ attribute controls which transmission queue is selected by default by cluster-sender channels to get messages from, to send the messages to cluster-receiver channels.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.


    All cluster-sender channels send messages from SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.QUEUE. The correlID of messages placed on the transmission queue identifies which cluster-sender channel the message is destined for.

    SCTQ is set when a queue manager is defined. This behavior is implicit in versions of IBM WebSphere MQ, earlier than Version 7.5. In earlier versions, the queue manager attribute DefClusterXmitQueueType was not present.

    Each cluster-sender channel sends messages from a different transmission queue. Each transmission queue is created as a permanent dynamic queue from the model queue SYSTEM.CLUSTER.TRANSMIT.MODEL.QUEUE.


This attribute specified the certificate label for this queue manager to use. The label identifies which personal certificate in the key repository has been selected.

The default and migrated queue manager values on IBM i, are:

  • If you specified SSLKEYR(*SYSTEM), the value is blank.

    Note that it is forbidden to use a nonblank queue manager CERTLABL with SSLKEYR(*SYSTEM). Attempting to do so results in an MQRCCF_Q_MGR_ATTR_CONFLICT error.

  • Otherwise, ibmwebspheremqxxxx where xxxx is the queue manager name folded to lowercase.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    Leaving CERTLABL as a blank value on the queue manager is interpreted by the system to mean the default values specified.


This attribute controls whether reverse lookup of the host name from a Domain Name Server (DNS) is done for the IP address from which a channel has connected. This attribute has an effect only on channels using a transport type (TRPTYPE) of TCP.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    DNS host names are reverse looked-up for the IP addresses of inbound channels when this information is required. This setting is required for matching against CHLAUTH rules that contain host names, and to include the host name in error messages. The IP address is still included in messages that provide a connection identifier.

    This is the initial default value for the queue manager.

    DNS host names are not reverse looked-up for the IP addresses of inbound channels. With this setting any CHLAUTH rules using host names are not matched.


This attribute specifies the name of an authentication information object that is used to provide the location of user ID and password authentication. If CONNAUTH is *NONE, no user ID and password checking is done by the queue manager.

Changes to this configuration, or the object to which it refers, take effect when a REFRESH SECURITY TYPE(CONNAUTH) command is issued.

If you set CONNAUTH to *NONE, and attempt to connect to a channel that has the REQDADM option set in the CHCKCLNT field, the connection fails.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    No user ID and password checking is done by the queue manager

    48 character conn auth string
    The specific name of an authentication information object that is used to provide the location of user ID and password authentication.


This attribute specifies whether the queue manager automatically writes media images.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The queue manager attempts to automatically write a media image for an object, before IMGINTVL minutes have elapsed, or IMGLOGLN megabytes of recovery log have been written, since the previous media image for the object was taken.

    The previous media image might have been taken manually or automatically, depending on the settings of IMGINTVL or IMGLOGLN.

    Automatic media images are not written.


This attribute specifies the target frequency with which the queue manager automatically writes media images, in minutes since the previous media image for the object.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    1 - 999 999 999
    The time in minutes at which the queue manager automatically writes media images.

    Automatic media images are not written on a time interval basis.


This attribute specifies the target size of recovery log, written before the queue manager automatically writes media images, in number of megabytes since the previous media image for the object. This limits the amount of log to be read when recovering an object.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    1 - 999 999 999
    The target size of the recovery log in megabytes.

    Automatic media images are not written based on the size of log written.


This attribute specifies whether authentication information, channel, client connection, listener, namelist, process, alias queue, remote queue, and service objects are recoverable from a media image, if linear logging is being used.

The possible values are:


This attribute specifies the IMGRCOVQ attribute for local and permanent dynamic queue objects, when used with this parameter.

The possible values are:

    The attribute is unchanged.

    The IMGRCOVQ attribute for local and permanent dynamic queue objects is set to *NO.

    The IMGRCOVQ attribute for local and permanent dynamic queue objects is set to *YES.

Parent topic: CL commands reference for IBM i