Authorizations for MQI calls

Value Description
altusr Use another user's authority for the queue manager. Also required for channel operations where the asserting userid is different from the one associated with the connection handle. (For example, an assigned dedicated profile on the receiver MCA end, or when processing a RESET CHL SEQNUM() request from remote systems.)

If we are using IBM WebSphere MQ prior to IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1, Fix Pack 4.4, we must set +altusr for the group containing the user ID specified in MCAUSER on a receiver channel. This action prevents error message AMQ2035 appearing if you reset the sequence number of the corresponding sender channel.

browse Retrieve a message from a queue using an MQGET call with the BROWSE option.
connect Connect the application to the specified queue manager using an MQCONN call.
get Retrieve a message from a queue using an MQGET call.
inq Make an inquiry on a specific queue using an MQINQ call.
pub Publish a message on a topic using the MQPUT call.
put Put a message on a specific queue using an MQPUT call.
resume Resume a subscription using the MQSUB call.
set Set attributes on a queue from the MQI using an MQSET call.
sub Create, alter or resume a subscription to a topic using the MQSUB call.
Note: If you open a queue for multiple options, we must be authorized for each option.