What's changed in Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1

IBM MQ Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1 includes a number of resource changes.

Ability to trace New Web Console JavaScript running inside a browser

The New Web Console consists of JavaScript, which runs inside a browser, and back end code, written in Java, which runs inside the mqweb server.

Before Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1, it was only possible to trace the back end code for the New Web Console. There was no mechanism to trace the JavaScript.

From Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1, the New Web Console has been updated to provide a mechanism to trace the Javascript running inside a browser. For more information, see Tracing the New Web Console.

Schedule ID included in error messages for semantically incorrect scheduled transfers

If a transfer with a semantically incorrect date and time combination is scheduled, this causes error messages to be displayed when you run the fteListScheduledTransfers command. From Version 9.2.0, Fix Pack 1, the error messages include the schedule ID of the invalid scheduled transfer. We can then run the fteDeleteScheduledTransfer command with the schedule_ID parameter to delete the invalid scheduled transfer.

Parent topic: What's changed in Fix Packs for Version 9.2.0 Long Term Support

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