What was new and changed in earlier versions

Links to information about new features and changes to functions and resources, including stabilizations, deprecations and removals, that occurred in versions of the product before IBM MQ Version 9.2.

For information about what was new and what changed in an earlier version of the product, see the appropriate section in the product documentation for that version.

IBM MQ Version 9.1

IBM MQ Version 9.0

IBM MQ Version 8.0

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.1

IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0.1 and earlier

For older versions of products, where documentation is provided outside of IBM Knowledge Center, see Documentation for older versions of IBM MQ.


On IBM MQ for Multiplatforms, we cannot reverse queue manager migration to remove the effect of changes. This restriction applies whether your enterprise uses the Long Term Support (LTS) release or Continuous Delivery (CD) release model.

On IBM MQ for z/OS, you can reverse queue manager migration as long as you have migrated from an earlier LTS release to a more recent LTS release, and the earlier LTS release had the backwards migration PTFs for the more recent LTS release installed before the migration started.

See IBM MQ release types for further information.

Parent topic: About IBM MQ

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