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Configure the system for database coordination

There are several tasks that we must perform before a database manager can participate in global units of works coordinated by the queue manager. These are described here as follows:

  • Installing and configuring the database product
    To install and configure your database product, see the product's own documentation. This topics in this section describe general configuration issues and how they relate to interoperation between IBM MQ and the database.
  • Create switch load files
    IBM MQ comes with a sample makefile, used to build switch load files for the supported database managers.
  • Adding configuration information to the queue manager
    When you have created a switch load file for the database manager, and placed it in a safe location, we must specify that location to your queue manager.
  • Writing and modifying the applications
    How to implement a global unit of work.
  • Testing the system
    You know whether the application and system are correctly configured only by running them during testing. We can test the system's configuration (the successful communication between queue manager and database) by building and running one of the supplied sample programs.

Parent topic: Database coordination

Last updated: 2020-10-04