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Create a queue manager called QM1

Create a queue manager, called QM1 by using the IBM MQ Explorer. Queue managers are the main components in an IBM MQ messaging network.

Before starting

Install IBM MQ using the launchpad.

About this task

In this example, all names are typed in uppercase and because IBM MQ names are case-sensitive, we must type all names in uppercase too.

To create and start a queue manager by using the IBM MQ Explorer, complete the following steps.


  1. Start IBM MQ Explorer as an administrator.
  2. In the Navigator view, right-click the Queue Managers folder, then click New > Queue Manager. The Create Queue Manager wizard starts.
  3. In the Queue Manager name field, type QM1.
  4. Select the Make this the default queue manager check box.
  5. In the Dead-letter queue field type SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE. This is the name of the dead-letter queue that is automatically created when you create the queue manager.
  6. Leave the other fields empty and click Finish, or if that button is disabled, click Next. The Finish button is disabled if the port number conflicts with an existing queue manager, for example the queue manager that is created as part of the default configuration. We must continue through the wizard to change the default port number.
  7. If you clicked Next, continue to accept the defaults and click Next on each page until you get to the final page of the wizard, when the Finish button becomes available. Change the specified port number, for example to 1415, and click Finish.

    IBM MQ displays a Creating Queue Manager dialog window while the queue manager is created and started.

What to do next

To create a queue, see Create a queue called LQ1.

Parent topic: Installing and configuring using the graphical user interface

Related information

Last updated: 2020-10-04