Channel initiator control information block
Use this topic as a reference for the channel initiator control information block.
The channel initiator control information block contains basic information for this CHINIT, including:- CHINIT job name (qcctjobn)
- QSG name if it is in a queue sharing group (qcctqsgn)
- Peak number used of current channels (qcctnocc)
- Peak number used of active channels (qcctnoac)
- MAXCHL - maximum permitted current channels (qcctmxcc)
- ACTCHL - maximum permitted active channels (qcctmxac)
- TCPCHL - maximum permitted TCP/IP channels (qcctmxtp)
- LU62CHL - maximum permitted LU62 channels (qcctmxlu)
- Storage used by CHINIT (qcctstus)
The format of the channel initiator control information block is described in structure qcct in the C programming language header file thlqual.SCSQC370(CSQDSMFC), and in assembler macro thlqual.SCSQMACS(CSQDQCCS).
We can use this information to see if the number of active channels is approaching the configured maximum value. Note that the number of current and active channels are the values when the record was created. So, between the two intervals there might have been more than this number of channels active.
Channel information from SMF data
Here is an example of channel information from SMF data:MVCA,MQPV,2014/03/18,13:00:00,VRM:800, From 2014/03/18,12:45:00.015222 to 2014/03/18,13:00:00.083630 duration 900.068408 seconds Peak number used of current channels........... 1 Peak number used of active channels ........... 1 MAXCHL. Max allowed current channels...........9999 ACTCHL. Max allowed active channels............9999 TCPCHL. Max allowed TCP/IP channels............9999 LU62CHL. Max allowed LU62 channels............. 200 Storage used by Chinit......................... 436MB
We can monitor the storage usage and see whether the value is trending upwards. If the total used is approaching the total storage available, you might be running out of storage, and so might not be able to support many more channels.
If the numbers of active current channels are tending towards the maximum number of channels, you might need to increase the maximum number of channels.
Parent topic: Channel initiator statistics data records