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Processing type 116 SMF records

Use this topic as a reference to the format of the processing type accounting record.

Any accounting data you collect from SMF must be processed to extract useful information. When you process the data, verify that the records are from IBM MQ and that they are the records we are expecting.

Validate the value of the following fields:

  • SM116RTY, the SMF record number = X'74' (116)
  • SM116STF, the record subtype, must be 0000, 0001, 0002, or 0010

Reading from the active SMF data sets is not supported. We must use the SMF program IFASMFDP to dump SMF records to a sequential data set so that they can be processed. For more information see Use System Management Facility.

There is a C sample program called CSQ4SMFD which prints the contents of SMF type 115 and 116 records. The program is provided as source in thlqual.SCSQC37S and in executable format in thlqual.SCSQLOAD. Sample JCL is provided in thlqual.SCSQPROC(CSQ4SMFJ).

We need to update the SMFIN DD card with the name of the SMF data set. Use the z/OS command '/D SMF' to show the name of the data set, and we need to update the DUMPOUT DD card with the name for the output data set.

You also need to specify the START and END times that you require.

The following sample JCL extracts SMF records:
START(1159) END(1210)
Parent topic: Interpreting IBM MQ for z/OS accounting data

Last updated: 2020-10-04