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Application activity trace message reference

Use this page to obtain an overview of the format of application activity trace messages and the information returned in these messages

Application activity trace messages are standard IBM MQ messages containing a message descriptor and message data. The message data contains information about the MQI operations performed by IBM MQ applications, or information about the activities occurring in an IBM MQ system.

    Message descriptor

    • An MQMD structure

    Message data

    • A PCF header (MQCFH)
    • Application activity trace message data that is always returned
    • Application activity trace message data that is operation-specific

  • Application activity trace message MQMD (message descriptor)
    Use this page to understand the differences between the message descriptor of application activity trace messages and the message descriptor of event messages
  • MQCFH (PCF Header)
    Use this page to view the PCF values contained by the MQCFH structure for an activity trace message
  • Application activity trace message data
    Immediately following the PCF header is a set of parameters describing the time interval for the activity trace. These parameters also indicate the sequence of messages in the event of messages being written. The order and number of fields following the header is not guaranteed, allowing additional information to be added in the future.
  • Variable parameters for application activity MQI operations
    The application activity data MQCFGR structure is followed by the set of PCF parameters which corresponds to the operation being performed . The parameters for each operation are defined in the following section.
  • Variable Parameters for Application Activity XA Operations
    XA operations are API calls that applications can make to enable MQ to participate in a transaction. The parameters for each operation are defined in the following section.

Parent topic: Application activity trace

Last updated: 2020-10-04