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Queue accounting message data

Use this page to view the structure of a queue accounting message

Message name: Queue accounting message.
Platforms: All, except IBM MQ for z/OS .


    Description: The name of the queue manager
    Identifier: MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_Q_MGR_NAME_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The date of the start of the monitoring period
    Identifier: MQCAMO_START_DATE
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_DATE_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The time of the start of the monitoring period
    Identifier: MQCAMO_START_TIME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_TIME_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The date of the end of the monitoring period
    Identifier: MQCAMO_END_DATE
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_DATE_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The time of the end of the monitoring period
    Identifier: MQCAMO_END_TIME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_TIME_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The queue manager command level
    Identifier: MQIA_COMMAND_LEVEL
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: Always


    Description: The connection identifier for the IBM MQ connection
    Data type: MQCFBS
    Maximum length: MQ_CONNECTION_ID_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The sequence number. This value is incremented for each subsequent record for long running connections.
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: Always


    Description: The name of the application. The contents of this field are equivalent to the contents of the PutApplName field in the message descriptor.
    Identifier: MQCACF_APPL_NAME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_APPL_NAME_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: The operating system process identifier of the application
    Identifier: MQIACF_PROCESS_ID
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: Always


    Description: The IBM MQ thread identifier of the connection in the application
    Identifier: MQIACF_THREAD_ID
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: Always


    Description: The user identifier context of the application
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_USER_ID_LENGTH
    Returned: Always


    Description: Channel name for client connection
    Data type: MQCFST
    Maximum length: MQ_CHANNEL_NAME_LENGTH
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of queues accessed in the interval for which accounting data has been recorded. This value is set to the number of QAccountingData PCF groups contained in the message.
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: Always


    Description: Grouped parameters specifying accounting details for a queue
    Data type: MQCFGR
    Parameters in group:

    • QName
    • CreateDate
    • CreateTime
    • QType
    • QDefinitionType
    • OpenCount
    • OpenDate
    • OpenTime
    • CloseDate
    • CloseTime
    • PutCount
    • PutFailCount
    • Put1Count
    • Put1FailCount
    • PutBytes
    • PutMinBytes
    • PutMaxBytes
    • GetCount
    • GetFailCount
    • GetBytes
    • GetMinBytes
    • GetMaxBytes
    • BrowseCount
    • BrowseFailCount
    • BrowseBytes
    • BrowseMinBytes
    • BrowseMaxBytes
    • TimeOnQMin
    • TimeOnQAvg
    • TimeOnQMax

    Returned: Always


    Description: The name of the queue
    Identifier: MQCA_Q_NAME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Maximum length: MQ_Q_NAME_LENGTH
    Returned: When available


    Description: The date the queue was created
    Identifier: MQCA_CREATION_DATE
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Maximum length: MQ_DATE_LENGTH
    Returned: When available


    Description: The time the queue was created
    Identifier: MQCA_CREATION_TIME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Maximum length: MQ_TIME_LENGTH
    Returned: When available


    Description: The type of the queue
    Identifier: MQIA_Q_TYPE
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Value: MQQT_LOCAL
    Returned: When available


    Description: The queue definition type
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Values: Possible values are:




    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of times this queue was opened by the application in this interval, either by directly issuing a call to MQOPEN or by using the MQPUT1 verb.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_OPENS
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The date the queue was first opened in this recording interval. If the queue was already open at the start of this interval, this value reflects the date the queue was originally opened.
    Identifier: MQCAMO_OPEN_DATE
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The time the queue was first opened in this recording interval. If the queue was already open at the start of this interval, this value reflects the time the queue was originally opened.
    Identifier: MQCAMO_OPEN_TIME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The date of the final close of the queue in this recording interval. If the queue is still open then the value is not returned.
    Identifier: MQCAMO_CLOSE_DATE
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The time of final close of the queue in this recording interval. If the queue is still open then the value is not returned.
    Identifier: MQCAMO_CLOSE_TIME
    Data type: MQCFST
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to the queue, with the exception of MQPUT1 calls. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUTS
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to put a message, with the exception of MQPUT1 calls
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUTS_FAILED
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of persistent and nonpersistent messages successfully put to the queue using MQPUT1 calls. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT1S
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of unsuccessful attempts to put a message using MQPUT1 calls
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT1S_FAILED
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The total number of bytes put for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_PUT_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The smallest persistent and nonpersistent message size placed on the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT_MIN_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The largest persistent and nonpersistent message size placed on the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_PUT_MAX_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of generated messages. Generated messages are

    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of successful destructive MQGET calls for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_GETS
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of failed destructive MQGET calls
    Identifier: MQIAMO_GETS_FAILED
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of bytes read in destructive MQGET calls for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_GET_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The size of the smallest persistent and nonpersistent message retrieved rom the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_GET_MIN_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The size of the largest persistent and nonpersistent message retrieved rom the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_GET_MAX_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of successful non-destructive MQGET calls for persistent and nonpersistent messages. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_BROWSES
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of unsuccessful non-destructive MQGET calls
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of bytes read in non-destructive MQGET calls that returned persistent messages
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_BROWSE_BYTES
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The size of the smallest persistent and nonpersistent message browsed from the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The size of the largest persistent and nonpersistent message browsed from the queue. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Data type: MQCFIL
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of successful MQCB requests. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation

    0 - A callback was created or altered

    1 - A callback was removed

    2 - A callback was resumed

    3 - A callback was suspended

    Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: When available.


    Description: The number of unsuccessful MQCB requests.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS_FAILED
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: When available.


    Description: The shortest time a persistent and nonpersistent message remained on the queue before being destructively retrieved, in microseconds. For messages retrieved under syncpoint this value does not included the time before the get operation is committed. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_Q_TIME_MIN
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The average time a persistent and nonpersistent message remained on the queue before being destructively retrieved, in microseconds. For messages retrieved under syncpoint this value does not included the time before the get operation is committed. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_Q_TIME_AVG
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The longest time a persistent and nonpersistent message remained on the queue before being destructively retrieved, in microseconds. For messages retrieved under syncpoint this value does not included the time before the get operation is committed. This parameter is an integer list indexed by persistence value, see Reference note 2.
    Identifier: MQIAMO64_Q_TIME_MAX
    Data type: MQCFIL64
    Included in PCF group: QAccountingData
    Returned: When available


    Description: The number of successful MQCB requests. This is an array of values indexed by the type of operation

    0 - A callback was created or altered

    1 - A callback was removed

    2 - A callback was resumed

    3 - A callback was suspended

    Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: When available.


    Description: The number of unsuccessful MQCB requests.
    Identifier: MQIAMO_CBS_FAILED
    Data type: MQCFIN
    Returned: When available.

Parent topic: Accounting and statistics message reference

Last updated: 2020-10-04