Trace-route reply message MQMD (message descriptor)
Use this page to view the values contained by the MQMD structure for a trace-route reply message
For a trace-route reply message, the MQMD structure contains the parameters described in Activity report message descriptor. Some of the parameter values in a trace-route reply message descriptor are different from those in an activity report message descriptor, as follows:
- MsgType
Description: Type of message. Data type: MQLONG. Value:
- Feedback
Description: Feedback or reason code. Data type: MQLONG. Value:
- Encoding
Description: Numeric encoding of message data. Data type: MQLONG. Value: Copied from trace-route message descriptor.
- CodedCharSetId
Description: Character set identifier of message data. Data type: MQLONG. Value: Copied from trace-route message descriptor.
- Format
Description: Format name of message data Data type: MQCHAR8. Value:
- Admin message.
Parent topic: Trace-route reply message reference