Set up a common queue for activity reports
To determine the locations of the activity reports related to a specific message when the reports are delivered to the local system queue, it is more efficient to use a common queue on a single node
Before starting
Set the ACTIVREC parameter to enable the queue manager for activity recording and to specify that any activity reports generated are delivered to the local system queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE.
About this task
If a number of queue managers in a queue manager network are set to deliver activity reports to the local system queue, it can be time consuming to determine the locations of the activity reports related to a specific message. Alternatively, use a single node, which is a queue manager that hosts a common queue. All the queue managers in a queue manager network can deliver activity reports to this common queue. The benefit of using a common queue is that queue managers do not have to deliver activity reports to the reply-to queue specified in a message and, when determining the locations of the activity reports related to a message, you query one queue only.To set up a common queue, perform the following steps:
- Select or define a queue manager as the single node
- On the single node, select or define a queue for use as the common queue
- On all queue managers where activity reports are to be delivered to the common queue, redefine the local system queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACTIVITY.QUEUE as a remote queue definition:
- Specify the name of the single node as the remote queue manager name
- Specify the name of the common queue as the remote queue name
Parent topic: Activity recording