Sample program to monitor instrumentation events on Multiplatforms
amqsevt formats the instrumentation events that a queue manager can create, and is supplied with IBM MQ for Multiplatforms. The program reads messages from event queues, and formats them into readable strings.
As a sample program, both source and binary are provided. The sample is provided on all the Multiplatforms, including IBM i.
The single binary file amqsevt (or amqsevt.exe) is shipped in the samples fileset and is installed in the samples bin (tools\c\samples\bin or bin64) directory.
The source files amqsevta.c is also shipped in the samples fileset, and is installed in the samples directory, that is, tools\c\samples on Windows.
Note that the program can read from multiple event queues, and subscribe to multiple topics, by using MQCB to retrieve the messages.
When running as a client, the sample can connect to any queue manager including z/OS .
Attention: We can use the program without specifying any parameters, in which case the program attempts to connect to the default queue manager and read messages from the standard set of event queues (SYSTEM.ADMIN.*.EVENT).In this situation, the program waits forever for messages, until you press the Enter key to end the program.
However, we are more likely to use the program with the various options described.

- 1 Available only when being used as a client
- 2 Queues and topics can have multiple entries
Optional parameters
- -m QueueManagerName
- Specify a specific queue manager for reading events.
- -r Reconnection Options
- Auto reconnection options when used as a client. The possible values are:
- d
- Reconnect the client disabled
- r
- Reconnect the client
- m
- Reconnect the queue manager
- -b
- Browse records only, rather than destructively reading the messages
- -c
- Selects connection as a client.
- -d
- Selects the printing mode used in the second example. The MQI constants are printed exactly as they appear in the header files.
- -u User ID
- Specify a specific user and causes a prompt to appear requesting a password
- -w Wait
- Causes the program to exit if no event messages have arrived within the number of seconds
Note that, if we do not specify a time, the program only ends normally when you press the Enter key.
- -t Topic and
- -q Queue
- Both the -q and -t options can be given multiple times on the command
Therefore, it is possible to read from some standard queues and also from topics (if events are being sent to them) from a single run of the program.
If no queues or topics are named on the command line, the default event queues are opened.Note: The program detects if it has connected to a z/OS queue manager as a client, and changes the default set of event queues appropriately, as z/OS does not have the SYSTEM.ADMIN.LOGGER.EVENT queue.When topics are used, the program uses a non-durable subscription with a managed queue so that everything gets cleaned out when it exits.
- -o <output format>
- The format of the output. Possible values are:
- text
- Standard text format; this is the default value.
- json
- Standard JSON format; any application that understands JSON can take this output and process it directly.
Sample output
The following three examples show the output from the program.
The first example uses the default formatting option where the program takes the MQI definition of a field and formats the output to make the output more readable.**** Message (320 Bytes) on Queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT **** Event Type : Queue Mgr Event Reason : Unknown Alias Base Queue Event created : 2015/06/17 13:47:07.02 GMT Queue Mgr Name : V8003_A Queue Name : EVT.NO.BASE.QUEUE Base Object Name : EVT.NOT.DEFINED Appl Type : Unix Appl Name : amqsput Base Type : QueueThe second example shows the alternative formatting, using the -d option, that does not try to translate MQI constants. This might be preferable for some scripting tools that look for specific MQI values.
**** Message (320 Bytes) on Queue SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT **** Event Type : MQCMD_Q_MGR_EVENT Reason : MQRC_UNKNOWN_ALIAS_BASE_Q Event created : 2015/06/17 13:52:48.18 GMT MQCA_Q_MGR_NAME : V8003_A MQCA_Q_NAME : EVT.NO.BASE.QUEUE MQCA_BASE_OBJECT_NAME : EVT.NOT.DEFINED MQIA_APPL_TYPE : MQAT_UNIX MQCACF_APPL_NAME : amqsput MQIA_BASE_TYPE : MQOT_QThe third example shows the JSON output from the command
{ "eventSource" : { "objectName": "SYSTEM.ADMIN.TRACE.ACTIVITY.QUEUE", "objectType" : "Queue" }, "eventType" : { "name" : "Activity Trace", "value" : 209 }, "eventReason" : { "name" : "None", "value" : 0 }, "eventCreation" : { "timeStamp" : "2018-07-10T12:44:26Z", "epoch" : 1531226666 }, "eventData" : { "queueMgrName" : "QM1", "hostName" : "<yourhostname>", "startDate" : "2018-07-10", "startTime" : "13:44:25", "endDate" : "2018-07-10", "endTime" : "13:44:26", "commandLevel" : 910, ...
Example usage
The following example shows you how to use more than one queue:amqsevt -m QM1 -q SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT -q SYSTEM.ADMIN.PERM.EVENT -w 1Parent topic: Event monitoring
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