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Tuning the IBM MQ network

Use the tuning tips in this section to help improve the performance of our queue manager network.

  • Tuning client and server connection channels
    The default settings for client and server connection channels changed in Version 7.0 to use shared conversations. Performance enhancements for distributed severs were then introduced in Version 8.0. To benefit from the new features that were introduced alongside shared conversations, without the performance impact on the distributed server, set SHARECNV to 1 on your Version 8.0 or later server connection channels.
  • Tuning distributed publish/subscribe networks
    Use the tuning tips in this section to help improve the performance of the IBM MQ distributed publish/subscribe clusters and hierarchies.
  • Reducing the number of unwanted topics in the topic tree
    The performance of a publish/subscribe system is improved by reducing the number of unwanted topics in the topic tree. What is an unwanted topic and how do you remove them?
  • Aspera gateway can improve performance over high latency networks
    The IBM Aspera fasp.io Gateway provides a fast TCP/IP tunnel that can significantly increase network throughput for IBM MQ.

Parent topic: IBM MQ Monitoring and performance

Last updated: 2020-10-04